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Method javax.jdo.datastore.DataStoreCache void unpinAll( Collection oids ) Unpin the parameter instances from the second-level cache. Parameters: oids - the object ids of the instance to evict. Since: JDO 2.0


Method javax.jdo.datastore.DataStoreCache void unpin( Object oid ) Unpin the parameter instance from the second-level cache. Parameters: oid - the object id of the instance to unpin. Since: JDO 2.0

unpinAll(subclasses, pcClass)

Method javax.jdo.datastore.DataStoreCache void unpinAll( boolean subclasses, Class pcClass ) Unpin instances from the second-level cache. Parameters: subclasses - if true, unpin instances of subclasses also pcClass - the class of instances to unpin Since: JDO 2.1

unpinAll(pcClass, subclasses)

Method javax.jdo.datastore.DataStoreCache void unpinAll( Class pcClass, boolean subclasses ) Unpin instances from the second-level cache. Parameters: pcClass - the class of instances to unpin subclasses - if true, unpin instances of subclasses also Since: JDO 2.0


Method javax.jdo.datastore.DataStoreCache void pinAll( Collection oids ) Pin the parameter instances in the second-level cache. Parameters: oids - the object ids of the instances to pin. Since: JDO 2.0


Method javax.jdo.datastore.DataStoreCache void pin( Object oid ) Pin the parameter instance in the second-level cache. Parameters: oid - the object id of the instance to pin. Since: JDO 2.0

pinAll(subclasses, pcClass)

Method javax.jdo.datastore.DataStoreCache void pinAll( boolean subclasses, Class pcClass ) Pin instances in the second-level cache. Parameters: subclasses - if true, pin instances of subclasses also pcClass - the class of instances to pin Since: JDO 2.1

pinAll(pcClass, subclasses)

Method javax.jdo.datastore.DataStoreCache void pinAll( Class pcClass, boolean subclasses ) Pin instances in the second-level cache. Parameters: pcClass - the class of instances to pin subclasses - if true, pin instances of subclasses also Since: JDO 2.0


Method javax.jdo.datastore.DataStoreCache void evictAll( Collection oids ) Evict the parameter instances from the second-level cache. Parameters: oids - the object ids of the instance to evict. Since: JDO 2.0

evictAll(subclasses, pcClass)

Method javax.jdo.datastore.DataStoreCache void evictAll( boolean subclasses, Class pcClass ) Evict the parameter instances from the second-level cache. Parameters: subclasses - if true, evict instances of subclasses also pcClass - the class of instances to evict Since: JDO 2.1

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