ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Date field Index is corrupted due to time change

Hi, can you shed some light on why we cannot delete data from the attached DB file. A delete ... , so the error message that you got on an attempt to delete objects could happen with other operations as ... in 2.6.4_12 (and of course 2.6.5). The delete query we run is: DELETE FROM RecordingMetaData

Performance and memory usage of queries

requires so much memory. In the implementation of our UnitTests we have used "DELETE FROM Object" to delete ... .setFlushMode(FlushModeType.AUTO);   em.getTransaction().begin();   Query q = em.createQuery("DELETE FROM ... mentioning my similar experience. I remember I had an issue several times with deleting many object

Server closes if large query runs out of memory

during JDO deletion query, and the temp threshold was set and was low (64mb). There is an easy work-around, which is to divide up the deletion into smaller number of objects. I understand that JPA bulk delete doesn't involve any object retrieval, whereas perhaps JDO deletion does. Would using JPA for large

Removed entities can be found by query in the same transaction

__odbtracker/m (type STA, value=Persistent-Deleted-Flushed) which shows that the entity is deleted ... what is the problem? best regards BTC btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems If an entity was deleted from ... at least two different snapshots of objects - one with the deleted object and the other without the deleted object

ClassCastException thrown when running count query

i have inserted. I'm currently evaluating your product. So i insert and delete a lot of data. I ... enforce reference integrity and it is the application responsibility to avoid deletion from the database ... will be produced. support Support The orphan Position records are there because i deleted some Units


Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManager void flush() Flushes all dirty, new, and deleted instances to the data store. It has no effect if a transaction is not active. If a datastore transaction is active, this method synchronizes the cache with the datastore and reports any exceptions. If an optimistic


of a makeTransactional method call; newly made persistent or deleted persistent instances; persistent instances read


Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManager void flush() Flushes all dirty, new, and deleted instances to the data store. It has no effect if a transaction is not active. If a datastore transaction is active, this method synchronizes the cache with the datastore and reports any exceptions. If an optimistic


Method javax.jdo.spi.PersistenceCapable boolean jdoIsDirty() Tests whether this object is dirty. Instances that have been modified, deleted, or newly made persistent in the current transaction return true. Transient instances return false. Returns: true if this instance has been modified in


Method javax.jdo.spi.StateManager boolean isDirty( PersistenceCapable pc ) Tests whether this object is dirty. Instances that have been modified, deleted, or newly made persistent in the current transaction return true. Transient nontransactional instances return false. Parameters: pc - the calling

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ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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