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Using Enum type in NamedQuery: Field is not found in type

with queries that reference enum types. On my entity object is a static enum public static enum ... how I had it working with Hibernate - with just the quoted name string of the enum type in ... to using an inner class enum. Please try: SELECT o FROM Obj o WHERE o.type = com.my.fully.qualified.name

List of Enum Values in an entity

Entity with an ArrayList of Enums: private ArrayList<GuestFlag> flags; The flags are stored into ... wrong? Joachim Flashbaer Joachim Beig Arrays of enum values are expected to be supported by ObjectDB ... #" + list;         }     }         public static enum MyEnum {         V1, V2, V3

Error in reading Enum in JPA - Failed to read using reflection

I have created a very simple Entity User which has an enum Status (INACTIVE, ACTIVE ... .xxx.Status is not an enum type satinder_2000 Satinder Singh Please check your enum definition. It should be ordinary enum with no annotations (such as @Entity). If you cannot see anything wrong

JPA JPQL WHERE clause for IN :variable not working if variable is a list of Enums

:enumFieldList)" And enum field is defined in MyEntity as:     @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING ... :     public enum MyEnumType { VALUE1, VALUE2, VALUE3, VALUE4 } and I call:     query.setParameter ... understood the JPA JPQL IN clause should work with Enum types - is that the case, or is this an objectdb

Schema evolution & renamed/moved enum

Hello, I have an entity with an attribute of type enum say com.pkg1.MyEnum. I created ... moved that enum to a different package and renamed it say com.pkg2.MyNewEnum, which is not the new ... to use the <schema> tag in the config file because my enum is not an entity. What is a the proper way

Null enums and IS (NOT) NULL: NullPointerException

Hello. I'm getting NullPointerException when adding %enum field% IS (NOT) NULL or == (!=) NULL in ... ", allocationSize = 1) public class TEntity { public enum ExampleEnum { P1, P2 } @Id ... you for this report. Comparing enum values to NULL was fixed in build 2.5.5_03. support Support

fetch by enum

I have Entity named Fruits with a column Type which is a enum. I want to fetch the based on Type Eg. Query qry= em.createQuery("Select f from Fruits f where f.Type =: t "); qry.setParameter("t",Type.Sweet); But it return a null result list. Manoj Manoj Kumar Maharana It should work. Please provide

Setting and Tuning of JPA Queries

order to be visible to the query. Flush policy in JPA is represented by the FlushModeType enum

Index Definition

, java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, java.sql.Timestamp. Any enum type. Reference to an entity object

Miscellaneous JDO Annotations

This section contains miscellaneous JDO annotations and associated enum types:

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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