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application-managed EntityManager. This method returns a new EntityManager instance each time it is invoked. The isOpen method will return true on the returned instance. Returns: entity manager instance Throws: IllegalStateException - if the entity manager factory has been closed Since: JPA 1.0

refresh(entity, properties)

is not managed TransactionRequiredException - if invoked on a container-managed entity manager


Method javax.persistence.EntityManager EntityManagerFactory getEntityManagerFactory() Return the entity manager factory for the entity manager. Returns: EntityManagerFactory instance Throws: IllegalStateException - if the entity manager has been closed Since: JPA 2.0


Method javax.persistence.EntityManager void joinTransaction() Indicate to the entity manager that a JTA transaction is active. This method should be called on a JTA application managed entity manager that was created outside the scope of the active transaction to associate it with the current JTA


javax.persistence Interface PersistenceUnitUtil Superinterfaces: PersistenceUtil Utility interface between the application and the persistence provider managing the persistence unit. The methods of this interface should only be invoked on entity instances obtained from or managed by entity managers


managed by the PersistenceManager. This method returns a copy of the ObjectId that represents ... with the same data store identity. If the JDO identity is managed by the application, then the ObjectId ... the PersistenceCapable class. If the JDO identity is not managed by the application or the data store


have a JDO identity managed by the PersistenceManager. This method returns a copy of the ObjectId ... implementation to locate a persistent instance with the same data store identity. If the JDO identity is managed ... implementation that supports the PersistenceCapable class. If the JDO identity is not managed by


classes have a JDO identity managed by the PersistenceManager. This method returns a copy ... is managed by the application, then the ObjectId may be used with a PersistenceManager from any JDO implementation that supports the PersistenceCapable class. If the JDO identity is not managed by


javax.jdo.spi Interface StateManager This interface is the point of contact between managed ... PersistenceCapable instances to delegate behavior to the JDO implementation. Each managed PersistenceCapable instance contains a reference to a StateManager. A StateManager might manage one or multiple

RegisterClassEvent(helper, registeredClass, fieldNames, fieldTypes, fieldFlags, persistenceCapableSuperclass)

registeredClass - the persistence-capable class fieldNames - the names of the managed fields fieldTypes - the types of the managed fields fieldFlags - the flags of the managed fields

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ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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