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NPE after an @embedded obj is updated for a detached entity

I have an entity that looks like this: class User {     @embedded private Profile profile;     ... } After running something like this:     User user = entityManager.createQuery("select......     entityManager.detach(user);     user.getProfile().setDescription("Something... I

How to delete M2M relationship?

In user model class I have the following: public class User implements Serializable {     @Id ... { ArrayList<User> attendeeList = (ArrayList<User>) ts.getAttendees(); List<User> attendeesToRemove = (List<User>) getAllUsers(em); transaction.begin(); for(User u


Annotation Element javax.persistence.SecondaryTable String schema (Optional) The schema of the table. Defaults to the default schema for user. Default value: "" Since: JPA 1.0


, the default schema for the user is used. Default value: "" Since: JPA 2.0 UniqueConstraint


Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManager Object removeUserObject( Object key ) Remove the specified key and its value from the map of user objects. Parameters: key - the key of the object to be removed Since: JDO 2.0

putUserObject(key, val)

Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManager Object putUserObject( Object key, Object val ) Put the specified key-value pair into the map of user objects. Parameters: key - val - Since: JDO 2.0


for which no user error handling is possible. The error should be reported to the JDO vendor for corrective


Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManager void setUserObject( Object o ) The application can manage the PersistenceManager instances more easily by having an application object associated with each PersistenceManager instance. Parameters: o - the user instance to be remembered by the PersistenceManager Since: JDO 1.0 See Also: getUserObject


Method javax.jdo.Transaction void setSynchronization( Synchronization sync ) The user can specify a Synchronization instance to be notified on transaction completions. The beforeCompletion method is called prior to flushing instances to the data store. The afterCompletion method is called


, JDOReadOnlyException, JDOUnsupportedOptionException, JDOUserCallbackException This class represents user

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