ObjectDB 2.4.5

Released on 2012-12-13 (see other available releases).

Note: A newer version is available.

Use of ObjectDB is subject to the ObjectDB Licence agreement

Changes in ObjectDB 2.4.5:

  • Added support of lazy loading of mapped by (inverse) singular relationships (issue #768).
  • Added support for using ObjectDB with TomEE / OpenEJB.
  • Improved loading of eager mapped by (inverse) relationships (issue #769).
  • Improved performance of database file extending.
  • Fixed a bug in ignoring global cascade persist in an ORM file.
  • Fixed a NullPointerException during query execution (issue #978).
  • Fixed a class loading issue during automatic class scanning.
  • Fixed a Doctor deadlock.
  • Fixed multithreading problems when using new types simultaneously (issue #950).
  • Fixed a problem of EntityManager auto closing.
  • Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBounds on using a no arg function in criteria queries (issue #946).
  • Fixed activation when there is no MAC address.
  • Fixed an update query error message on an attempt to update a collection (issue #943).
  • Fixed a NullPointerException during persistence field access.
  • Fixed a NullPointerException in query execution.

See the full change log.

ObjectDB with Maven

To use ObjectDB in your Java Maven project merge the following repositpory and dependency into your pom.xml file:

            <name>ObjectDB Repository</name>

ObjectDB 2.4.5 Maven files:

objectdb-2.4.5.jar objectdb-2.4.5.jar.md5 objectdb-2.4.5.jar.sha1
objectdb-2.4.5.pom objectdb-2.4.5.pom.md5 objectdb-2.4.5.pom.sha1


ObjectDB Development Kit

The ObjectDB Development Kit includes:

  • The ObjectDB runtime JAR (available also on Maven).
  • The GUI ObjectDB Explorer.
  • Sample ObjectDB databases that you can open in the Explorer.
  • Command line tools for running the ObjectDB Server and the ObjectDB Enhancer.
  • Tutorial projects in Maven format for opening and running in your favourite IDE.
  • A sample objectdb.conf configuration file.
  • Source code of the JPA and JDO APIs.
  • JavaDoc of the JPA and JDO APIs.
  • The complete ObjectDB Manual in PDF format.