ObjectDB 2.6.6

Released on 2016-01-27 (see other available releases).

Note: A newer version is available.

Use of ObjectDB is subject to the ObjectDB Licence agreement

Changes in ObjectDB 2.6.6:

  • Added support of automatic activation of new indexes (issue #19).
  • Fixed a bug in multi variable queries (issue #1801).
  • Fixed an Explorer exception when a field in a summary view is not included in the tree/table view.
  • Fixed a bug in caching Criteria query programs with IN operator.
  • Fixed a bug in handling embedded objects in queries.
  • Fixed a bug in ordering query result by an expression that is used in IN operator.
  • Fixed a bug in handling pure date and time values.
  • Fixed a bug in handling some types of collection and map queries in version 2.6.5.

See the full change log.

ObjectDB with Maven

To use ObjectDB in your Java Maven project merge the following repositpory and dependency into your pom.xml file:

            <name>ObjectDB Repository</name>

ObjectDB 2.6.6 Maven files:

objectdb-2.6.6.jar objectdb-2.6.6.jar.md5 objectdb-2.6.6.jar.sha1
objectdb-2.6.6.pom objectdb-2.6.6.pom.md5 objectdb-2.6.6.pom.sha1


ObjectDB Development Kit

The ObjectDB Development Kit includes:

  • The ObjectDB runtime JAR (available also on Maven).
  • The GUI ObjectDB Explorer.
  • Sample ObjectDB databases that you can open in the Explorer.
  • Command line tools for running the ObjectDB Server and the ObjectDB Enhancer.
  • Tutorial projects in Maven format for opening and running in your favourite IDE.
  • A sample objectdb.conf configuration file.
  • Source code of the JPA and JDO APIs.
  • JavaDoc of the JPA and JDO APIs.
  • The complete ObjectDB Manual in PDF format.