Object DB In memory : without Filestore



I raised this question earlier as well, we want to explore if I can run the ObjectDB completely in Memory ? (without any writes to Disk, it's okay to loose the data if the node is down ). I think that will give the best performance. The reason we are exploring is restoring state is possible for us through replaying the logs, however we want easier data structures which is really good with ObjectDB along with Concurrency controls and transaction mgmt. Let us know if it is possible to run the Object DB completely in memory without disk storage.




At the moment, ObjectDB doesn't support pure in memory mode, but it still can be used completely in memory with no hard drive, by using a RAM drive.



ObjectDB Support


At the moment, ObjectDB doesn't support pure in memory mode, but it still can be used completely in memory with no hard drive, by using a RAM drive.




can u give me example how  we can used objectdb in memory????


plz give me some code or example


As noted above, although ObjectDB does not support in memory mode, you can use a RAM drive. i.e. install a RAM drive software (unrelated to ObjectDB) and then use the virtual in memory drive to store ObjectDB files.

ObjectDB will be used on a RAM drive exactly as on hard drive.

For information on how to use a RAM drive follow the link in #2 above and the documentation of the specific RAM drive software that you choose.


Update: Support of Memory Mode was added to ObjectDB in version 2.6.4.


ObjectDB Support
