odb files and config file



I used the tutorial (https://www.objectdb.com/tutorial/jpa/eclipse/web/project) to use ObjectDB in my maven project. After that there was a db folder in src/main/java/webapp/WEB-INF/. But there were no obd files in it. I'm getting my EntityManager by doing this:

EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("$objectdb/db/account.odb");

I looked for the odb files and found it somewhere in my workspace metadata (eclipse plugins). What can I do to save the odb files in src/main/java/webapp/WEB-INF/db/?

I tried this:

EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("/db/accountodb");

And I got the following error message:

Failed to create a new file '/db/account.odb'


And I read (https://www.objectdb.com/java/jpa/setting) that you can define the odb home in a config file. But where to I find the config file in my project?


You can specify an absolute path.

ObjectDB Support
