the tutorial netbeans and javaee6 dont work,


hi .

i am Mauro .

i have tried the tutorial for the objectDB and netbeans and JAvaee6

I have insert the like tutorial (for the embedded mode) .

but when i have insert the name into form for to save the new guest into db , i get the following message from glassfsih:


HTTP Status 404 -


type Status report


descriptionThe requested resource () is not available


but the web .xml it is ok.

help me please .


i have sent the file of my project .





Your project has 2 problems:

  • The servlet is empty - it seems that you missed step 4.
  • There is an unnecessary web.xml file in WEB-INF.

To fix the project you should:

  • Fix the servlet following step 4.
  • Delete the web.xml file in WEB-INF.
  • Stop GlassFish - right click the Servers > Glassfish Server in the Services window and select Stop.
  • Rebuild the project - Run > Clean And Build Main Project from the main menu.
  • Run the project again - Run > Run Main Project Project from the main menu.
ObjectDB Support

tank you .

IT work!!!!!!!!!!!!

