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ObjectDB Forum

11-20 of 1,890 threads (8,367 posts)Refresh
TopicPostsLast PostPosts
Exception when the log file is full and no archive is defined
by ArneArne,
3by ArneArne,
3 posts
last by ArneArne,
Unexpected Exception (java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.objectdb.o.ORS.Z9())
by ArneArne,
5by supportsupport,
5 posts
last by supportsupport,
removing members in existing databases
by ArneArne,
5by ArneArne,
5 posts
last by ArneArne,
no query result
by hgzpincherhgzpincher,
7by hgzpincherhgzpincher,
7 posts
last by hgzpincherhgzpincher,
Configuration Advice
by hgzpincherhgzpincher,
2by supportsupport,
2 posts
last by supportsupport,
version 2.8.9_06 significantly slower for queries compared to 2.8.9
by hgzpincherhgzpincher,
2by supportsupport,
2 posts
last by supportsupport,
Catching exceptions from online backup
by jakabjakab,
11by jakabjakab,
11 posts
last by jakabjakab,
Multiple Collection Fields not update correctly
by TriangleheadTrianglehead,
3by supportsupport,
3 posts
last by supportsupport,
How to use regular expressions in Criteria Builder
by NRoerigNRoerig,
4by supportsupport,
4 posts
last by supportsupport,
URGENCY, or in query does not report any objects on first operand having no results
by hgzpincherhgzpincher,
6by hgzpincherhgzpincher,
6 posts
last by hgzpincherhgzpincher,

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