This is a continutaion of Issue 61 - unfortunately it doesnt seem that the fix in 2.2.9_03 has fixed the problem.
The scenario is still the same:
I have two "producer" processes which insert messages into an objectdb "queue" database running with an objectdb server process.
I have one "consumer" process which reads messages from the queue database and inserts these into an embedded "normal" objectdb database. This is the process which has generated the OOM exception.
Each "queue" database is actually 2 databases to seperate metadata used for searching and the data itself. So in total the "consumer" process is connected to 4 server-hosted databases and 9 embedded databases (the embedded databases are 3 "queue" databases and 3 normal databases).
I'm running with the following cache settings:
<processing cache="4mb" max-threads="10"/> <query-cache results="4mb" programs="10"/>
The objectdb server process runs with -Xmx1g and the "consumer" runs with -Xmx2g. Message size is approx 1k and there should never be more than 2 messages being consumed at the same time.
In this case I've had 2 seperate instances fail so I have 2 heap dumps. I'm working on getting these to you - the files are large and ftp is disabled by my organisation - so please bear with me on this. In the meantime I've attached the leak suspects report from Eclipse Memory Manager in the hope it may help.
Please let me know if you need any further information (except the dumps themselves!)