Logical Operators in JPQL and Criteria API
Logical operators in JPQL and in JPA criteria queries enable composition of complex JPQL boolean expressions out of simple JPQL boolean expressions.
This page covers the following topics:
Logical Operators
ObjectDB supports 2 sets of logical operators, as shown in the following table:
Set 1 - JPQL / SQL | Set 2 - Java / JDO |
AND | && |
OR | || |
NOT | ! |
JPQL follows the SQL notation, while Java uses its own notation (which is also in use by JDOQL, the JDO Query Language). ObjectDB supports both forms.
Binary AND (&&) Operator
The following query retrieves countries whose population and area (both) exceed specified limits:
SELECT c FROM Country c WHERE c.population > :population AND c.area > :area
A valid operand of an AND
operator must be one of: TRUE,
, and NULL
The following table shows how the AND
operator is evaluated based on its two operands:
represents unknown. Therefore, if one operand is NULL
and the other operand is FALSE
the result is FALSE
, because one FALSE
operand is sufficient for a FALSE
result. If one operand is NULL
and the other operand is either TRUE
, the result is NULL
ObjectDB supports the Java/JDO &&
operator as a synonym of AND
as part of its JDO support.
Binary OR (||) Operator
The following query retrieves countries whose population or area exceeds a specified limit:
SELECT c FROM Country c WHERE c.population > :population OR c.area > :area
A valid operand of an OR
operator must be one of: TRUE,
, and NULL
The following table shows how the OR
operator is evaluated based on its two operands:
represents unknown. Therefore, if one operand is NULL
and the other operand is TRUE
the result is TRUE
, because one TRUE
operand is sufficient for a TRUE
result. If one operand is NULL
and the other operand is either FALSE
, the result is NULL
ObjectDB supports the Java/JDO ||
operator as a synonym for OR
as part of its JDO support.
Unary NOT (!) Operator
The following query retrieves all the countries whose population does not exceed a specified limit:
SELECT c FROM Country c WHERE NOT (c.population > :population)
The operand of a NOT operator must be one of: TRUE,
, or NULL
The following table shows how the NOT operator is evaluated based on its operand:
If the operand is NULL
, which represents unknown, the result is also NULL
ObjectDB also supports the Java/JDO !
operator as a replacement for NOT
as part of its JDO support.
Criteria Query Logical Operators
Boolean Expressions and Predicates
Boolean expressions are represented in criteria queries by Expressionjavax.persistence.criteria.Expression
and descendant interfaces. For example, a boolean path (a field or a property) is represented by Pathjavax.persistence.criteria.Path
Pathjavax.persistence.criteria.Path- JPA Interface Represents a simple or compound attribute path from a bound type or collection, and is a "primitive" expression.<Boolean> isInUN = country.getPath.get(attributeName) - JPA Method Create a path corresponding to the referenced attribute.("isInUN"); Pathjavax.persistence.criteria.Path- JPA Interface Represents a simple or compound attribute path from a bound type or collection, and is a "primitive" expression.<Boolean> isInEU = country.getPath.get(attributeName) - JPA Method Create a path corresponding to the referenced attribute.("isInEU"); Pathjavax.persistence.criteria.Path- JPA Interface Represents a simple or compound attribute path from a bound type or collection, and is a "primitive" expression.<Boolean> isInOECD = country.getPath.get(attributeName) - JPA Method Create a path corresponding to the referenced attribute.("isInOECD");
Predicatejavax.persistence.criteria.Predicate - JPA InterfaceThe type of a simple or compound predicate: a conjunction or
disjunction of restrictions.
is a special sub interface of Expressionjavax.persistence.criteria.Expression
that represents many operator and function expressions whose type is boolean - such as comparison operators:
Predicatejavax.persistence.criteria.Predicate - JPA InterfaceThe type of a simple or compound predicate: a conjunction or disjunction of restrictions. isLarge = cb.gtCriteriaBuilder.gt(x,y) - JPA MethodCreate a predicate for testing whether the first argument is greater than the second.(country.getPath.get(attributeName) - JPA Method Create a path corresponding to the referenced attribute.("area"), 1000000);
AND / OR Expressions
The CriteriaBuilder interface provides factory methods that take two Expressionjavax.persistence.criteria.Expression
operands (including Predicate
javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate - JPA InterfaceThe type of a simple or compound predicate: a conjunction or disjunction of restrictions. instances) and return a new Predicate
Predicatejavax.persistence.criteria.Predicate - JPA InterfaceThe type of a simple or compound predicate: a conjunction or disjunction of restrictions. p1 = cb.andCriteriaBuilder.and(x,y) - JPA MethodCreate a conjunction of the given boolean expressions.(isInUN, isInEU); // Member of both UN and EU Predicatejavax.persistence.criteria.Predicate - JPA InterfaceThe type of a simple or compound predicate: a conjunction or disjunction of restrictions. p2 = cb.orCriteriaBuilder.or(x,y) - JPA MethodCreate a disjunction of the given boolean expressions.(isInOECD, isLarge); // Either OECD member or large
Additional factory methods are available for a variant number of predicates:
Predicatejavax.persistence.criteria.Predicate - JPA InterfaceThe type of a simple or compound predicate: a conjunction or
disjunction of restrictions. p3 = cb.andCriteriaBuilder.and(restrictions) - JPA MethodCreate a conjunction of the given restriction predicates.(p1, isLarge, cb.isTrueCriteriaBuilder.isTrue(x) - JPA MethodCreate a predicate testing for a true value.(isInOECD));
Predicatejavax.persistence.criteria.Predicate - JPA InterfaceThe type of a simple or compound predicate: a conjunction or
disjunction of restrictions. p4 = cb.orCriteriaBuilder.or(restrictions) - JPA MethodCreate a disjunction of the given restriction predicates.(p2, cb.isTrueCriteriaBuilder.isTrue(x) - JPA MethodCreate a predicate testing for a true value.(isInUN), cb.isTrueCriteriaBuilder.isTrue(x) - JPA MethodCreate a predicate testing for a true value.(isInEU));
In the above code non Predicate
boolean expressions are converted to Predicate
instances using the isTrue
CriteriaBuilder.isTrue(x) - JPA MethodCreate a predicate testing for a true value. method. This is required because in the non binary version the factory methods accept only Predicate
instances as arguments.
NOT Expression
There are two ways to create a NOT
Predicatejavax.persistence.criteria.Predicate - JPA InterfaceThe type of a simple or compound predicate: a conjunction or disjunction of restrictions. p5 = cb.notCriteriaBuilder.not(restriction) - JPA MethodCreate a negation of the given restriction.(isInUN); Predicatejavax.persistence.criteria.Predicate - JPA InterfaceThe type of a simple or compound predicate: a conjunction or disjunction of restrictions. p6 = isLarge.notPredicate.not() - JPA MethodCreate a negation of the predicate.();
The CriteriaBuilder
's notCriteriaBuilder.not(restriction) - JPA MethodCreate a negation of the given restriction. method creates a Predicate
by negating a specified boolean expression. Alternatively, to create a negation of a Predicate
instance, the Predicate
's not
Predicate.not() - JPA MethodCreate a negation of the predicate. method can be invoked.