ObjectDB ObjectDB

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@ElementCollection Set<Integer> is emptied sometimes

already. ObjectDB seems to clear some fields that are @ElementCollection Set<Integer> of my objects ... Support The field is emptied, but not null. So, my @ElementCollection Set<Integer> fields become empty ... find yet a way to understand it. Initially, I was not using @ElementCollection on my Set<Integer

best practice for configuration settings

to our core process, each accessing objectdb. What is the best setting ? synchronized there is no documentation about this setting, what does it do/mean ? hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker With 16 processor ... for a specific application requires testing and comparing different settings under the real conditions

Safe Settings

Hi, I am trying to set up ObjectDb in a safe way that allows turning the machine off while database ... with both configuration settings with the debugger and I put a breakpoint in FileDescriptor#sync(). It never got triggered with no setting that I could come up with. How come? Thanks in advance

Objectdb Server Mode set up with glassfish

Hi I'm new to Java, glassfish and objectdb, so please forgive my ignorance. I have a glassfish server working with the embeded mode of objectdb. I now want to set up objectdb in server mode. I ... my project ? How do I configure my persitence.xml file ? Do I need to set up something in Glassfish ? Thanks

Is there a way to set EAGER fetch on all "ToMany" collection relationships

Given that the default seems to be FetchType.LAZY for all collections @OneToMany and @ManyToMany. Such as a configuration option. Instead of having to explicitly set fetch in annotation code in every relationship. webel Dr Darren Kelly No. There is no such configuration option, since having EAGER

UPDATE query to set a new field after schema change

I've added a new property/field to one of my objects and want to set the value of this (boolean) property to false for all existing entities in the DB. I tried to execute an update statement with the Explorer tool. The statement ends and tells me that 1000 entities have been updated. I then save

Global way to set Lazy-loading fetch functionality for all the fields

Ouba Mahamane Lazy / Eager can only be set locally per relationship, and for some extent also per query (using JOIN FETCH). support Support

client server set up and load

by number of users and more by the actual activity, how indexes are set, etc. support Support

ObjectDb Doctor : Failed to locate set method for field property com.test.Video$VideoId.sourceId using reflection (error 316)

Hello everyone ! I have just launched the ObjectDb Doctor for testing purposes. But while inspecting my base, the Doctor throws me a strange error : [ObjectDB 2.4.6] Invalid ID class com.test.Video$VideoId for type com.test.Video (Failed to locate set method for field property com.test.Video

Object creation in the Explorer requires automatically set primary keys

The feature of creating new objects in the Explorer is currently supported only for entity classes that have primary keys that are set automatically. support Support

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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