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Duplicate Entity class names causes Exception in Query

Serializable { public static Singleton getInstance(EntityManager em) { Singleton c = em.find ... (EntityManager em, int howMany) { if (lastInstance == null) { lastInstance = 0; } int ... = startCnt; } } public Item findItem(EntityManager em, int which) { TypedQuery<Item> q

Type xxx is not found (error 301)

/java/jpa/EntityManager/getMetamodel">getMetamodel().PersistenceManager from your EntityManager: oddly, I don't have an unwrap() method on my EntityManager?? also, I don't

Cannot save or update entity on Spring App

{ // Injected database connection: @PersistenceContext private EntityManager em ... (environment.getRequiredProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_ENTITYMANAGER_PACKAGES_TO_SCAN ... (Object guest) { EntityManager em = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager

Null enums and IS (NOT) NULL: NullPointerException

EntityManager entityManager; public void persist(Object o) { try { transaction.begin(); entityManager.persist(o); transaction.commit(); } catch ... { @PersistenceContext(unitName = "my-pu") private EntityManager entityManager; @EJB

Empty temporary dat files in the temp folder

). For each user action we create an EntityManager, begin a transaction, do some stuff (find, persist ... the EntityManager. In some scenarios we use additional databases as large data sink. And for optimized data access we hold the connection to the EntityManager. In the observed use case

system exception occurred during an invocation on EJB GuestDao

> How can I verify if the EntityManager has been successfully injected ? (statement : @PersistenceContext private EntityManager em) 2014-09-02T10:50:04.779+0200|Avertissement ... /EntityManager; at com.sun.enterprise.container.common.impl.EntityManagerWrapper._getDelegate

Database is erased after deploying a new web application version

;EntityManagerFactory and EntityManager? As long as the web-app is running, I ... ;EntityManager? You can close the EntityManagerFactory when the web ... >Usually EntityManager instances are created and closed on every request


the entityManager at the thread level. It is created the first time a thread accesses a database ... .   In the workaround version a new entityManager is opened & closed ... > Open a new EntityManager Open a new transaction Merge

After using the enhancer, Lazy loaded collections are no longer loading. They are set as null

; } } /** Workflow **/ Account account = new Account(); entityManager.persist(account); entityManager.flush(); Project project = new Project(); project.setAccount(account); entityManager.persist(project); entityManager.flush(); account = entityManager.find(account

JQL-Update Queries fails with activated L2-Cache

="code">entityManager.clear() after a transaction commit. When the clear() method isn't called the entityManager will never return a container the updated Entities ... because bypassing the EntityManager may break its synchronization with the database. For example