ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Problem with distinct select, order by and equivalent alias/attribute path

implements Serializable {     @Id     private String id;         private String town;     public Location() {     }     public Location(String id, String town) {         this.id = id;         this.town = town;     }         public String getId() {         return id;     }     public

ClassCastException on SELECT NEW ... after UPDATE over Java RMI

.id, r.fileName) FROM RecordingMetaData AS r WHERE ... A remote RMI client runs SELECT (but not SELECT ... to build result of type 'NEW com.arunta.base.db.FileNameDTO(r.id, r.fileName)' (error 783 ... .arunta.base.db.FileNameDTO(r.id, r.fileName

Join performance in Objectdb

SELECT count(e) FROM Meta e, ImageNet i, Page p WHERE e.idImage=i.id AND e.idPage=p.id; So simple ... , it is still running. Maybe I used a wrong command? gzdillon Lai Yang According to your query you use IDs instead of references, which is not recommended when using JPA. It seems that a Meta instance holds the IDS

Strange behaviour with ORDER BY and IN

by a simple member (e.g. a String) being the Entity-ID and, at the same time, filter on this member ... the Entity-ID) actually work well, this behaviour is only observable when filtering and ordering both are done on the ID member. Assuming this simple Entity class: @Entity public class Location

2.7.3_03 Erroneous "Attempt to modify a primary key of a managed object"

key of JdoBlob2? Is it composite? embedded ID? Is there an ID class attached? Relevant fields ... . It could be again related to class loading (maybe the Java 9.0 modules). Your id type ... and therefore it seems a bit strange to use it as the type of the id field. You should be able to change

Composite Index error 328

( { @javax.jdo.annotations.Index(members = {"id","pwd","access"}) } ) public class ... = -4472890635861972890L; private int id; private int dyId; private long pwd; private String ... ; private String buroGruplama; private Long groupsHash; @Id @Column(name = "id

After using the enhancer, Lazy loaded collections are no longer loading. They are set as null

Account extends AbstractEntity implements IAbstractEntity<Long> { @Id @Column(name = "account_id") @GeneratedValue(strategy= GenerationType.TABLE) protected Long id; @Override public Long getId() { return id; } @Override public void setId

Once served to JSF page via @EJB query bean, many list fields are null (but same query ok after fresh persist in @PostConstruct)

", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "owner_ID", referencedColumnName = "ID"), inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "ownedElement_ID", referencedColumnName = "ID")) public Element ... =TestDeepValues][project=TEST: project 1][id=45][name=TEST: test deep values]) INFO: ConfigBean


({ @JoinColumn(name="ADDR_ID", referencedColumnName="ID"), @JoinColumn(name="ADDR_ZIP


Method javax.jdo.identity.ShortIdentity boolean equals( Object obj ) Determine if the other object represents the same object id. Parameters: obj - the other object Returns: true if both objects represent the same object id Since: JDO 1.0

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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