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Searching lists within objects

help as I'm never going to have the real object at search time. Trying to use join is problematic as for every extra attribute I add to the search, I need to add 2 more joins. Obviously ... ;      Join<CDI, Attribute> attributeJoin = cdi.join("attributeList


of the table being joined to. Defaults to the same name as the primary key column of the primary table of the superclass (JOINED mapping strategy); the same name as the primary


> , Join" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Join


join. Returns: metamodel attribute for the join


> , Join" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Join


for the collection-valued attribute corresponding to the join. join


side and the non-owning, or inverse, side. The join table is specified on the owning ... > The join table for the relationship, if not defaulted, is specified on the owning side.


for the collection-valued attribute corresponding to the join. join

Issue with DISTINCT Select

FROM $1 LEFT JOIN $1.profile $2 ... .IndividualContact $1 LEFT JOIN $1.profile $2 ORDER BY UPPER($1.profile.lastName)   Alex quasado Alexander Adam Note: We're using the left join


of a join table). Returns: Whether the value is to be stored serialized (into a join table)