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1-21 of 21 resultsTuple.get(tupleElement) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.Tuple X get ( TupleElement tupleElement ) Get the value of the specified tuple element. Parameters: tupleElement - tuple element Return: value of tuple element Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if tuple element does not correspond to an element in the query result tuple Since: JPA 2.0 | |
javax.persistence.TupleElement JPA Interface TupleElement Type Parameters: - the type of the element The TupleElement interface defines an element that is returned in a query result tuple. See Also: Tuple Since: JPA 2.0 Public Methods String getAlias () Return the alias assigned to the tuple element or null, if no alias | |
TupleElement.getAlias() - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence. TupleElement String getAlias () Return the alias assigned to the tuple element or null, if no alias has been assigned. Return: alias Since: JPA 2.0 | |
TupleElement.getJavaType() - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence. TupleElement Class getJavaType () Return the Java type of the tuple element. Return: the Java type of the tuple element Since: JPA 2.0 | |
javax.persistence.Tuple. See Also: TupleElement Since: JPA 2.0 Public Methods Object get (String alias) Get the value of the tuple ... result tuple or element cannot be assigned to the specified type Since: JPA 2.0 X get ( TupleElement tupleElement ) Get the value of the specified tuple element. Parameters: tupleElement - tuple | |
javax.persistence.criteria.Selection: TupleElement The Selection interface defines an item that is to be returned in a query result. Since: JPA ... , if no alias has been assigned. Return: alias Inherited from: TupleElement Since: JPA 2.0 List ... of the tuple element. Return: the Java type of the tuple element Inherited from: TupleElement | |
javax.persistence.criteria.SetJoin JPA Interface SetJoin Type Parameters: - the source type of the join - the element type of the target Set Super Interfaces: Expression , FetchParent , From , Join , Path , PluralJoin , Selection , TupleElement The SetJoin interface is the type of the result of joining to a collection | |
javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder$In JPA Interface In Super Interfaces: Expression , Predicate , Selection , TupleElement Interface used to build in predicates. Since: JPA 2.0 Public Methods Expression getExpression () Return the expression to be tested against the list of values. Return: expression Since: JPA 2.0 List getExpressions | |
javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate JPA Interface Predicate Super Interfaces: Expression , Selection , TupleElement The type of a simple or compound predicate: a conjunction or disjunction of restrictions. A simple predicate is considered to be a conjunction with a single conjunct. Since: JPA 2.0 The Logical Operators in JPQL | |
javax.persistence.criteria.PluralJoin JPA Interface PluralJoin Type Parameters: - the source type - the collection type - the element type of the collection Super Interfaces: Expression , FetchParent , From , Join , Path , Selection , TupleElement The PluralJoin interface defines functionality that is common to joins to all collection | |
javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder$SimpleCase JPA Interface SimpleCase Super Interfaces: Expression , Selection , TupleElement Interface used to build simple case expressions. Case conditions are evaluated in the order in which they are specified. Since: JPA 2.0 Public Methods Expression getExpression () Return the expression to be tested | |
javax.persistence.criteria.CollectionJoin JPA Interface CollectionJoin Type Parameters: - the source type of the join - the element type of the target Collection Super Interfaces: Expression , FetchParent , From , Join , Path , PluralJoin , Selection , TupleElement The CollectionJoin interface is the type of the result of joining | |
javax.persistence.criteria.CompoundSelection JPA Interface CompoundSelection Type Parameters: - the type of the selection item Super Interfaces: Selection , TupleElement The CompoundSelection interface defines a compound selection item (tuple, array, or result of constructor). Since: JPA 2.0 Public Methods Selection alias (String name | |
javax.persistence.criteria.Expression JPA Interface Expression Type Parameters: - the type of the expression Super Interfaces: Selection , TupleElement Type for query expressions. Since: JPA 2.0 The JPA Query Expressions (JPQL / Criteria) article explains how to use Expression . Public Methods Expression as (Class type) Perform | |
javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder$Case JPA Interface Case Super Interfaces: Expression , Selection , TupleElement Interface used to build general case expressions. Case conditions are evaluated in the order in which they are specified. Since: JPA 2.0 Public Methods Expression otherwise ( Expression result) Add an "else" clause | |
javax.persistence.criteria.ParameterExpression JPA Interface ParameterExpression Type Parameters: - the type of the parameter expression Super Interfaces: Expression , Parameter , Selection , TupleElement Type of criteria query parameter expressions. Since: JPA 2.0 Public Methods Expression as (Class type) Perform a typecast | |
javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder$Coalesce JPA Interface Coalesce Super Interfaces: Expression , Selection , TupleElement Interface used to build coalesce expressions. A coalesce expression is equivalent to a case expression that returns null if all its arguments evaluate to null, and the value of its first non-null argument | |
javax.persistence.criteria.ListJoin JPA Interface ListJoin Type Parameters: - the source type of the join - the element type of the target List Super Interfaces: Expression , FetchParent , From , Join , Path , PluralJoin , Selection , TupleElement The ListJoin interface is the type of the result of joining to a collection | |
javax.persistence.criteria.MapJoin JPA Interface MapJoin Type Parameters: - the source type of the join - the type of the target Map key - the type of the target Map value Super Interfaces: Expression , FetchParent , From , Join , Path , PluralJoin , Selection , TupleElement The MapJoin interface is the type of the result | |
javax.persistence.criteria.Subquery JPA Interface Subquery Type Parameters: - the type of the selection item. Super Interfaces: AbstractQuery , CommonAbstractCriteria , Expression , Selection , TupleElement The Subquery interface defines functionality that is specific to subqueries. A subquery has an expression as its selection item | |
ClassCastException in Tuple.get.get(1); So it seems that Tuple.get chokes on Join, Root and probably other TupleElements ... to see it fixed, so Tuple.get would work with any TupleElement , be it Path, Join, Root, or ... . You can find it in attachment, and please note how all calls to Tuple.get( TupleElement ) fail |