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Replication error - parsing objectdb config

per the tutorial) to the master database and then attempts to count the number of Points using a connection

Difference performance in ObjectDB Explorer and in java project

WHERE p.x=0 I am using Point entity class from tutorial, but with Indexed "x" field

Reporting Engine?

includes an implementation of a new ObjectDB data source. A detailed tutorial on using

JPA does not seem to be db agnostic

(per the tutorials).     public Friendship


your tutorial). Thanks for pointers! Best, Benjamin

What role is the JDO in ObjectDB?

reason why the documentation and tutorials of ObjectDB 2.x focuses on JPA. JPA and JDO

Suggestion for improving the examples

Hello your documentation and tutorials would make a lot more sense if SQL TABLES, QUERIES and INDEXES were included. Frankly it is a huge wast those examples have not been provided. For example: Take the ridiculously complicated concept of @Embeddable class e.g

ObjectDB fills ListView in Java FX

Dear All, I am new to ObjectDB and Java FX. I would like to fill a ListView in Java FX, with Data stored in a ObjectDB database.   Does anyone have experience with this? Are there somewhere on the internet Tutorials, concerning this matter?

ObjectDB 2.1.0

version of the ObjectDB manual (included in the download). Added sample (tutorials

ObjectDB 2.2.6

> Fixed pom.xml files in the Maven tutorials to use Java 1.5 / 1.6.