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Annotation Element javax.persistence.MapKeyColumn boolean unique (Optional) Whether the column is a unique key. This is a shortcut for the UniqueConstraint annotation at the table level and is useful for when the unique key constraint corresponds to only a single column. This constraint applies in


Annotation Element javax.jdo.annotations.Element String table Name of the table for the element. Returns: name of the table for the element Default value: "" Since: JDO 2.1


Annotation Element javax.jdo.annotations.Element String serialized Whether the element is to be stored serialized (into a join table) Returns: whether the element is to be stored serialized (into a join table) Default value: "" Since: JDO 2.1


Annotation Element javax.jdo.annotations.Element String unique Whether a unique constraint should be generated or assumed. Returns: whether a unique constraint should be generated or assumed Default value: "" Since: JDO 2.1


Annotation Element javax.jdo.annotations.Element Class[] types Types of the elements. This can be determined if using JDK1.5 generics but is required otherwise. Multiple types can be specified if the implementation supports multiple types. Returns: the types of elements Default value: {} Since: JDO 2.1


Annotation Element javax.jdo.annotations.Element String index The name of the index to generate. Returns: the name of the index Default value: "" Since: JDO 2.1


Annotation Element javax.jdo.annotations.Element String generateForeignKey Generate or assume a foreign key constraint exists on the column or columns associated with this join. Specify "true" or "false". Returns: whether to generate or assume a primary key constraint Default value: "" Since: JDO 2.1


Annotation Element javax.jdo.annotations.Element String mappedBy Name of the member in the target class that forms a bidirectional relationship with this member. Returns: name of the member in the target class that forms a bidirectional relationship with this member Default value: "" Since: JDO 2.1


Annotation Element javax.jdo.annotations.Element String indexed Whether the value column(s) should be indexed. Returns: whether the value column(s) should be indexed. Default value: "" Since: JDO 2.1


Annotation Element javax.jdo.annotations.Key String index The name of the index to generate. Returns: the name of the index Default value: "" Since: JDO 2.1

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