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objectdb-2.6.9_02 (with "objectdb.temp.no-enhancement-crc-check") vs. generic classes with interfaces: detailed investigation

[SomeOtherEntity] implements IValue<T> { @Entity public class BooleanValue extends Value<Boolean ... with why one would bother to wrap something like a Boolean in this fashion, it is however a very powerful and crucial technique (and it is not used in all cases for every trivial boolean value in the system, just

Type ... is not defined as an entity (@Entity is missing) (error 302)

.PersistenceCapable @Bindable @PersistenceCapable class CultureRqst { // Common Boolean candS = false Boolean gramStain = false Boolean fungal = false OtherRqst commonOtherRqsts = new OtherRqst() // Bacteria (Fastidious) Boolean afb

Pre-detach loading: retrieval by navigation not working in if statement

is a subclass of entity Block - A Block has a property 'present' which is a "deep" Boolean value wrapper ... a simple Boolean property 'value'. - A LightingZone has a property 'v_NLA' which is a "deep" Float value ... more things. This is enough to "provoke" loading of the Boolean lz.present.value before


type of the tuple element Since: JPA 2.0 boolean isCompoundSelection() Whether the selection item is a compound selection. Whether the selection item is a compound selection. Returns: boolean


the objects Since: JDO 2.2 boolean equals(Object obj) Determine if the other object represents the same ... - the other object Returns: true if both objects represent the same object id Since: JDO 1.0 boolean equals(Object


. Parameters: o - Other identity Returns: The relative ordering between the objects Since: JDO 2.2 boolean ... if both objects represent the same object id Since: JDO 1.0 boolean equals(Object obj) Check the class


Method javax.jdo.identity.ShortIdentity boolean equals( Object obj ) Determine if the other object represents the same object id. Parameters: obj - the other object Returns: true if both objects represent the same object id Since: JDO 1.0


Method javax.jdo.identity.StringIdentity boolean equals( Object obj ) Determine if the other object represents the same object id. Parameters: obj - the other object Returns: true if both objects represent the same object id Since: JDO 1.0


may be specified to be one of the java.lang classes Character, Boolean, Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double


Method javax.jdo.Query void setUnique( boolean unique ) Specify that only the first result of the query should be returned, rather than a collection. The execute method will return null if the query result size is 0. Parameters: unique - if true, only one element is returned Since: JDO 2.0

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