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>Expression<Boolean> , Boolean> , TupleElement<Boolean>


/jpa/criteria/Expression" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Expression<Boolean ... javax.persistence.criteria">Selection<Boolean> , TupleElement<Boolean>

Index Definition

persistable types: Primitive types: boolean, byte

JPA Query Structure (JPQL / Criteria)


Shared (L2) Entity Cache

> object enables checking if a specified entity object is cached: boolean

JPA Criteria API Queries


GROUP BY and HAVING clauses

 an Expression<Boolean>

Working with JPA Entity Objects

context: boolean isManaged = em.


to see that it is assignment compatible to the Class of the query. It is then evaluated by the Boolean expression ... > boolean ... > boolean" title="Method of javax.jdo


_boolean" title="Method of javax.jdo.datastore.DataStoreCache">evictAll (Class pcClass, boolean subclasses) Evict the parameter ... /jdo/datastore/DataStoreCache/evictAll_boolean_Class" title="Method of javax.jdo.datastore