ObjectDB ObjectDB

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ObjectDB Website - Terms and Conditions of Use

changes to the materials contained on its web site at any time without notice. ObjectDB Software does

Spring MVC JPA Tutorial - NetBeans Project

the application on GlassFish - change the transaction type from RESOURCE_LOCAL to JTA in

Step 7: Run the Spring Web App

change in the persistence.xml file - instead of RESOURCE_LOCAL you will have to specify JTA

[ODB1] Chapter 1 - About ObjectDB

to the other can be done simply by changing a single string (the connection URL), because the JDO API


is only valid within the current transaction. If the JDO identity is being changed in the transaction ... with this instance. This method is the same as jdoGetObjectId if the identity of the instance has not changed in the current transaction. If the JDO identity is being changed in the transaction, this method


four other interfaces, without changing any of the methods or semantics. This allows fine-grained control ... other instances on changes to state. The persistent instance might be in a list of managed instances. When the persistent instance is made hollow, it can no longer generate change events


instance changes to the cache. It must be called in the context of an active transaction, or ... callbacks and attach life cycle listeners are called. During application of changes of the detached state, if the JDO implementation can determine that there were no changes made during detachment


identity of the calling instance. If the JDO identity is being changed in the current transaction ... the object representing the JDO identity of the calling instance. If the JDO identity is being changed in the current transaction, this method returns the current identity as changed in the transaction


state of the instance, and changing it does not affect the JDO identity of the instance ... the application, and those that are managed by the data store. If the object identity is being changed in ... of the class used to manage identity internally. Therefore, if the application makes a change to the ObjectId


this instance and this field dirty. Normally, PersistenceCapable classes are able to detect changes ... , and the array is modified, then the persistent instance is not aware of the change. This API allows the application to notify the instance that a change was made to a field. The field name

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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