ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Single Server License and Embedded Mode

the configuration file by adding the activation code. If the evaluation limits are not removed then most likely activation code was not added to the correct objectdb.conf file, i.e. the configuration file ... . Eventually at runtime a specific objectdb.jar file is used (regardless of how it was obtain). The code in

Understanding limitations of schema evolution

, and you will have to write code for making this schema change. support Support Thanks for your reply. Could you please elaborate more on the nature and complexity of the code that one has to write in the second ... "Could you please elaborate more on the nature and complexity of the code that one has to write in order to develop an application?" support Support

Objectdb server out of heap space

such as deadlocks and resource errors if the code were not obfuscated, so we can have some idea of what is going on. Perhaps even some non-disclosure agreement would allow access to source code ... . It would be reassuring for those of us who are trying to put your code into production use to know

Eclipse4 RCP - No Persistence provider for EntityManager

via emf.getMetamodel().entity(clazz); Now I got another Problem... This code works : storageSvc ... = storageSvc.selectAll(LocalEntity.class); LocalEntity e = l.get(0); When I run the code a second time ... ClassLoader whilst the Entity in the last line of the above Code is loaded by the plugins ClassLoader. I

Insertion Speed Rate and Batch Load

, but after that the system is running FullGC all the time. My JVM has 4GB and I did use your attached modified code ... use in one of our smart grid data data collection product. edy_at_ssn Edy Oey I run the codes in 2 ... 37101.62 objects per second. gzdillon Lai Yang I run this code with the above enhanced setting

OutofMemory error with Object DB 2.0

heap on PersistenceManager closure and not on transaction commit. Here is the code snippet that is involved in persisting a record in the odb. This code is called in a loop till all records are persisted ... ); madhuarish Bhanu Pathak Your code looks fine. You can upload a large heap dump to ObjectDB public FTP server

@Convert is not supported?

but they are singletones and immutables... This is what i can achieve if i have abillity to perform some custom code ... me avoid lot of useless code in the future, so I'd like to make sure there is no way to do this before I ... . You wrote: "This is what i can achieve if i have ability to perform some custom code

TypedQuery implementation problems

again it doesn't work anymore I would appreciate your opinion. I leave a portion of my code with example ... ); retList = query.getResultList(); return retList; } The previous code worked very well now that I ... in your post. If the same code works in one application and doesn't work in another - check

First query takes 4+ minutes to complete

. The class has data members that are basic Java types. Here is extract of the code (related ... fromExtension; Operation We use two EntityManagers in our code, each running in a different thread: 1 ... . For example, we get the same behavior with the the following code (note, em.clear() at the start

Entity field renaming does not work

well in our small tests (and also the relevant code in ObjectDB has not been changed recently). Please note that supporting field renaming is very sensitive. There is nothing wrong with your code or ... database before the schema change, up to date classes (no source code is needed) with the new field

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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