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Is it possible to remove parent/child entities without refresh?

([ObjectDB 2.5.7_02] javax.persistence.RollbackException Failed to commit transaction: (error 613 ... .getTransaction().commit(); } @AfterClass public static void tearDown() throws Exception {   ... ().get("childEntity1"));   entityManager.getTransaction().commit();   Assert.assertEquals(4, parentEntity

calling persist on an object more than once

results in an error (613) when the transaction is commited: [ObjectDB 2.2.4] javax.persistence.RollbackException Failed to commit transaction: Attempt to reuse an existing primary key value (common.model.UserSession:13) (error 613) at com.objectdb.jpa.EMImpl.commit

Felix, rollback exception, error 613

versions. I can begin, persist and commit once, but not twice; even after framework restart ... request to /example/ [ObjectDB 2.7.5] javax.persistence.RollbackException Failed to commit ... >     at com.objectdb.jpa.EMImpl.commit(     at db


to commit transaction: Optimistic lock failed for object   dmoshal David ... version-check is set false? are the changes from process B lost if process A subsequently commits? commit changes on a document


at commit time. The current transaction, if one is active, will be marked for rollback.


"> [ObjectDB 2.3.7_02] javax.persistence.RollbackException Failed to commit transaction: (error 613) at com.objectdb.jpa.EMImpl.commit( at rbccm.felix.objectdb.workflow.ObjectDbInstanceContainer.commit(Unknown Source) at rbccm.digest.workflow.execution.WorkflowRunner.cleanup(Unknown

Use temporary files to enable very large transactions

option of using temporary files for flush / commitcommit on the second database and in case of a fault we can still recover a consistent state.  We run the commit, if the Application consumes a percentage threshold of memory.

Tracking changes to new collections (in enhancement mode) after flush

is committed, the issue is that the last element in the list is not persisted and cannot be retrieved ... ().commit();         em.clear();          ... ); //------------------------------- //------------------------------- em.getTransaction().commit(); em.close(); em = emf

Unexpected Exception (java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.objectdb.o.ORS.Z9())

In one of our applications, we encounter an unexpected problem. Commits fail ... to commit transaction: Cannot invoke "com.objectdb.o.ORS.Z9()" because "<parameter1>" is null at com.objectdb.o.MSG.a( at com.objectdb.jpa.EMImpl.commit(


-transactional after commit. Parameters: