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Explorer bug ? Objects seem to be missing from database in Class view, but are present as references

: RequestBean []: Created: com.greensoft.entity.Activity [null](TEST: activity 4 (AND composite)) INFO: RequestBean []: Persisted: com.greensoft.entity.Activity [21](TEST: activity 4 (AND composite)) INFO ... []: Updated: com.greensoft.entity.Activity [21](TEST: activity 4 (AND composite)) INFO: RequestBean


javax.persistence Annotation JoinColumns Target: Fields (including property get methods) Defines mapping for composite foreign keys. This annotation groups JoinColumn annotations for the same relationship. When the JoinColumns annotation is used, both the name and the referencedColumnName elements

combined index not used

The query planner considered the composite index but eventually selected another query plan. We will try to understand that selection and provide a fix. support Support The reason for not using the composite ... all of them and missed the best combination of using the composite index on these 4 fields. Increasing


javax.persistence Annotation IdClass Target: Classes Specifies a composite primary key class that is mapped to multiple fields or properties of the entity. The names of the fields or properties in the primary key class and the primary key fields or properties of the entity must correspond


javax.persistence Annotation MapKeyJoinColumns Target: Fields (including property get methods) Supports composite map keys that reference entities. The MapKeyJoinColumns annotation groups MapKeyJoinColumn annotations. When the MapKeyJoinColumns annotation is used, both the name


javax.persistence Annotation EmbeddedId Target: Fields (including property get methods) Applied to a persistent field or property of an entity class or mapped superclass to denote a composite primary key that is an embeddable class. The embeddable class must be annotated as Embeddable


is a composite primary key and is mapped as IdClass, an instance of the primary key class is used as the key. Default value: "" Since: JPA 1.0


javax.persistence Annotation PrimaryKeyJoinColumns Target: Classes and fields (including property get methods) Groups PrimaryKeyJoinColumn annotations. It is used to map composite foreign keys. Example: ValuedCustomer subclass @Entity @Table(name="VCUST") @DiscriminatorValue("VCUST


of the associated entity is used as the map key. If the primary key is a composite primary key and is mapped


Annotation Element javax.persistence.MapsId String value (Optional) The name of the attribute within the composite key to which the relationship attribute corresponds. If not supplied, the relationship maps the entity’s primary key. Default value: "" Since: JPA 2.0

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