ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Index on a low cardinality column

(e.g., a count query, as part of a composite index, etc.), so the recommendation is to try a simple ... that is needed for executing the query? If it does it would be helpful. Therefore, composite indexes


Hi I am trying to get a basic EclipseRCP project working with Objectdb. At the very first line in creating a View public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {     EntityManagerFactory emf =          Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("$objectdb/db/pilots.odb"); I get the following

Extended mapping-definitions

. You can also use composite indexes that consist of the className field with other fields in order to retrieve

ObjectDB Clustering VS Hadoop Hbase

larger databases, but that will come with a price tag of slower performance. In using composite urls

Automatic Switch to Replicated Server Limitations

ObjectDB supports master-slave replication, with the ability to switch connections automatically to another server when a server goes down, by specifying a composite url. Currently this feature has the following limitations: The first server in the composite url has to be available when connecting

javax.servlet.ServletException: Annotated methods must follow the JavaBeans naming convention. __odbHidden_getPropertyName

and a "secondary" h:form in the sidebar (see FYI only attached XHTML composite expertise_level.xhtml

ObjectDB 2.6.1

Added an option to disable temporary file deletion. Added support of using entity classes with missing dependent types. Added support of composite indexes with components of different lengths. Fixed a bug in reflection mode in detecting changes after flush (issue #1602). Fixed

ObjectDB 2.3.2

Fixed a bug in "p.id IN :ids" queries. Fixed a bug in handling NOT = queries (issue #536). Fixed ClassCastException and NullPointerException in using a composite index in queries (issue #531). Fixed Explorer bugs: editing embedded objects and using connection urls. Fixed a NullPointerException

ObjectDB needs "insert ignore"

(see this page). Use an ID class or an embedded ID as the second parameter if you have a composite primary

Threaded Test - Failed to commit transaction: Unexpected internal exception

with a composite index that contains both priority and creationTime (in the same index). If the sort

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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