ObjectDB ObjectDB

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PostUpdate on array changes

Given this config: <entities> <enhancement agent = "true" reflection = "error"/> <cache ... when run by JUnit in IntelliJ, this had been working fine. - I now need to explicitly set the config ... ) So, now that I'm sure that objectdb.conf is found - The config path as set above is printed

JPA Configuration without persistance.xml

.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration config = new AnnotationConfiguration(); config.addAnnotatedClass(mypackage.MyClass.class); org.hibernate.SessionFactory factory = config.buildSessionFactory

Replication issue, Replayer failing due to NullPointerException.

and slave config files in case there is something obvious I am doing wrong: Master <objectdb ... 100% fine with: "objectdb://master:2122/x.odb;user=backend;password=password" and the above config. I was expecting I should be able to point that slave config at a master without any existing DB files

Error using query with MAX() function

if( (count % config.getUpdateFreq()) == 0) { em.getTransaction().commit ... the manual. if( (count % config.getUpdateFreq()) == 0) { em.flush

Replaying recorded requests...

Hi, I get the following when ODB starts in embedded mode: Replaying recorded requests... then I get something like 500 lines of recordset information. Here is the relevant part of the config file ... when that is turned off in the config file? b) should I be worried about so many 'nonclosed' files

ObjectDB Roles and Groups

Hello, How can I incorporate roles/group in ObjectDB config file? I see no support for this. For example, I would like to place several users under a given group or role, but I see no way of doing this as no such element is present in the config file. Is it possible to have this? st.clair.clarke St

enumeration table? how to on pure jpa?

application configs. Like; tablename : enumeration table rows: key            value servername ... set , get servername I will directly set or get config from server. I know there is no field value

Unexpected NoSuchFieldError exception

out whether configuration settings have been found (e.g. is it possible to print out the config that ObjectDB is using, ie: in case it hasn't found the right config file). [ObjectDB 2.6.9_09] javax.persistence

Support for roles/groups in ObjectDB

ObjectDB should incorporate roles/group in ObjectDB config file? I see no support for this. I would like to place several users under a given group or role, but I see no way of doing this as no such element is present in the config file. Maybe under the $default, or any particular user

Threaded Test - Failed to commit transaction: Unexpected internal exception

_01 and the default objectDb config. I've limited the test to a jvm size of 1gb (-Xms1g -Xmx1g ... is doomed to failure or is there a problem somewhere, either with my code, my use of objectdb config

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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