ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Missing (null) elements in eager loaded references

, with no external dependencies, only the minimum required classes, in each class only the minimum required

WebSphere Liberty Configuration

Hi! I've been trying to get ObjectDB configured with WebSphere Liberty server. I have been able to get the sample app running in TomCat but when I run the jee version of the guestbook in WebSphere I get a combination of errors depending on how I tweak the configuration the most promising error I

Optimization Question

it would be impossible to predict which method is faster without trying. It also depends on many

disabling JDO in objectdb embedded mode

are needed ? Should I add additional maven dependencies to fix the problem ? (currently I

Server connection management

and then the server gets an EOF notification. I just checked it on Windows XP. But it might depends

NullPointer when accessing persistent field

the command line under maven ( I will have to send you a snapshot of some of the utility dependencies

auto-generated uuid fields

, but we will have to check that nothing depends on the ID being null until the object graph is persisted. spiffy

Server NPE

- this would either be the object with index or the object without depending on startup order. I think in this case

ObjectDB enhancement fails on "is" form for @Transient boolean isLoaded(), ok for "getter" form @Transient boolean getLoaded()

() { ... } ... public Integer getBalance() { ... } ... @Transient // because status depends

ObjectDB 2.6.1

Added an option to disable temporary file deletion. Added support of using entity classes with missing dependent types. Added support of composite indexes with components of different lengths. Fixed a bug in reflection mode in detecting changes after flush (issue #1602). Fixed

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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