ObjectDB ObjectDB

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com.objectdb.o.UserException: Ambiguous entity name

I get the com.objectdb.o.UserException: Ambiguous entity name A former embeddable class seems to be similar to a new entity class. However, I removed the embeddable class from all of my classes ... remove this embeddable class without deleting my database or deleting the entity it was related

Merge of entity classes with "mapped by" very slow

Hi, I have found a strange behavior when merging entities with "mapped by" set on @OneToMany ... - one with mapped by, second with adding entities list without "mapped by". The difference is huge event ... . lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski Merging entity objects that are already managed should be very fast. Build 2.4.2

Entity factory - best practices

initiate a db connection by creating entity manager factory from db on disk, get the entity manager, modify ... one every time. Out of curiosity, is my current method thread-safe? Can multiple entity managers exist

Retrieve data of all entity classes in a single query

I have in an objectdb file 10 Entity Classes with some data in each (Athlete, Trainer, Stadium etc) This is the code I use to retrieve all Managed Types and data for the Athlete class Metamodel ... Zazopoulos You can retrieve all the entity objects using a query on Object:     SELECT o FROM Object o

Getting a list of all the entity class names

I was wondering if there is any way to get a list of the entity names in the database? dmoshal David Moshal You can use the Metamodel API as explained by the JPA Metamodel API page in the manual ... because it is portable and provide better functionality (for example you can use it to get entity names or class names - which is not the same). support Support

Does run time enhancer due to GlassFish/Payara do anything that would affect loaded compile-time entity classes ?

do anything that would affect loaded compile-time enhanced entity classes (other than just logging, typically just info and warn level). webel Dr Darren Kelly If the entity classes are already enhanced (build time

Is there any GUI for creating/editing entity?

Hi, I'm new for JPA/JDO. How should I create/edit entity class? Is there any GUI? In my searching easily, there is the jpa function of myeclipse, or Dail. http://www.myeclipseide.com/documentation ... /editing entity and JPA/JDO things. I'm expecting the one like MySQL Workbench. TIA :) pikotenta

Update entity without first opening a transaction

Hi everyone, I want to update an entity in my program without having to open a transaction, do the modifications and commit the transaction. I want to have a managed entity that is in sync with my database. So when I got a Person class and I do person.setName("John"), the name in my database

Get multiple entities by Id

I'm trying to fetch a list of entities, by their Id. I Use this query: SELECT c FROM User c WHERE c.id IN :ids This querey works as long as I don't set the property "id" as @Id. If i set @Id to any ... ();     }     @Entity     public static class MyEntity {         private String name;         @Id

select query for a HashMap field of an entity.

I have the following entity. I need the all the MyEntitiy whose MyEntity.Embeddable.PropMap.Key = someValue. Can anybody please help me to get this what should be the query. @Entity class MyEntity { @Embeddable class MyEmbeddable { private HashMap<Long, Properties

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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