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openejb jpa jaas module

boolean succeeded; private UserInfo info; @Override ... (); try { info = entityManager.find( UserInfo.class , username ); if(info != null) { String password = info.getPassword

Out of memory

; <logger name="*" level="info" /> </general> <database> ... .String pl.hplxtool.pages.BorderPage.staticUrl 2012-09-20 11:15:19.407 [http-bio-8080-exec-3] INFO  ... .inspiration.InspirationIndex - Before getting maps... 2012-09-20 11:15:20.021 [http-bio-8080-exec-3] INFO

using DbUnit with ObjectDb

> <oe.file_type filetype_id="0" filetype_name="NoFile" info="No file"/> <oe.file_type filetype_id="1" filetype_name="UnknownFile" info="Unknown file"/> <oe.file_type filetype_id="2" filetype_name="JPEG" mime="image/jpeg" extension=".jpg,.jpeg" info="JPEG image"/>

Error when trying to open the Explorer (failed to find Java VM)

> On console:  By trying explorer.exe I get the following: [info] Module INI: C:\dbs\objectdb-2.5.3\bin\explorer.ini [info] Module Dir: C:\dbs\objectdb-2.5.3\bin\ [info] INI Dir: C:\dbs\objectdb-2.5.3\bin\ [err] Failed to find Java VM. 

JRebel integration feature

class="stacktrace"> INFO: JRebel: Class '$Proxy199' could not be processed by 'org.zeroturnaround ... line: 806 INFO: JRebel: Class '$Proxy199' could not be processed by 'org.zeroturnaround.javarebel ... call failed at ../../../src/share/instrument/JPLISAgent.c line: 806 INFO: JRebel: Class '$Proxy199

virtual servers and one file

info of the slow activity it might help. support Support Thank you for the quick reply

com.objectdb.o.InternalException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/sql/Date

> the is ... module ObjectDBTest { info file. The classes go into a javaobjectdbapp package. I am using JRE 17.0.3, and the version ... , deleted, and put objectdb on the classpath, the application worked. Thanks

IN operator syntax

used instead of parameter, e.g. SELECT FROM Info i WHERE i.status IN ... class="stacktrace"> SELECT FROM Info i WHERE i.status IN (1 ==> , <==  4) javax ... "> SELECT FROM Info i WHERE i.status IN (1) The same behavior is when using MEMBER

Object as parameter results in exception

) {"Fetching type: {} with id {} with company: {}", new Object[]{managedClass ... ;@Override public T fetch(Company company, Long primaryKey) {"Fetching type ... ) {"Fetching type: {} with id {} with company: {}", new Object[]{managedClass

Online Backup degrades responsiveness.

{ CoreService.getLogger(this).info("DB Backup Start..."); TypedQuery<Thread> backupQuery ... .getSingleResult(); backupThread.join(); CoreService.getLogger(this).info ... "> EntityManager em = getEM(); try { getLogger(this).info("Backup Start