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51-100 of 102 results

Spring Data JPA - PersistenceException thrown

; Another stacktrace shows similar info in a different format: Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory

Does run time enhancer due to GlassFish/Payara do anything that would affect loaded compile-time entity classes ?

info and warn level) .     webel Dr Darren Kelly If the entity classes

EntityManager creation taking long time

(properties); CAPdev CAP Dev More info is needed. If you share the relevant profiling data (e.g

Performance problem

. peric.emil Emil Perić hi, additional info ,  First version of query gives result in 50ms

Modifying something with Explorer -> app JPQL with Enum doesn't work anymore

" on stackoverflow ( info ) and wrote "Fast Object Database

Unable to delete the .odb file programatically

any more info . When the test.odb$ (temp database file) will be deleted ? After closing

ClassCastException on SELECT NEW ... after UPDATE over Java RMI

client over RMI (extract from the application log including information from log4j): INFO [RMI TCP

Accessiblity of attributes in entities in several OSGi-Bundles

.MessageService. info ( at

NullpointerException when execute a merge

.MessageServiceImpl.addMessage( at info

ObjectDB with JRebel: copious 'Not Enhanced:' errors with EJBs

output for nearly every @EJB on startup. Typical message is like: Info : [2016-10-30 09:16:46 #6

Error 990... and then new version?

), but more info would be useful. Regarding additional questions, please follow the posting instructions

Attempt to execute a query using a closed EntityManager

. Second: LOG.log(Level. INFO , "Created client {0}", c.getId()); Here is when the error happens, when c

Entity Update - Is the documentation up to date?

that doesn't change the content makes the object dirty). support Support Thanks for the info . 

Case Insensitive Indexes

How do you do case insensitive indexes? I have search the Forum and tutorials and have not found any info related to this.   Thanks, -- Nathan Modrzewski nmodrzewski Nathan Modrzewski Case insensitive string indexes are currently not supported. If you cannot use lowercase only (or uppercase

How to install ObjectDB on my Amazon EC2?

this, make sure you have Java installed and in class path on that machine (Amazon VPS). For more info

evictAll() behavior

but there is something with their state and cache, if You need more info please tell

Ram allocation

Hi , We are submitting one offer for our client and we must prove to client that Objectdb can allocate 128GB ram of server where it is installed. So can you please help us where we can find that information on your site or if you have some datasheet where we can find that info that can be helpfull

Primary key generation problem after changing entity package

Hi, I changed package name for some of my entities in database. I added info in of my configuration file - and the changes have been succesfully made in database. Unfortunately, sequences have been probably lost for changed entity classes. After schema change I keep getting errors : Attempt

type.loader java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

in lower logging level (e.g. info ). The empty database might be the result of another issue

Embedded Entity in EmbeddedId not persisted. Error 631 at select.

] INFO org.hibernate.jpa.boot.internal.PersistenceXmlParser - HHH000318: Could not find any META-INF

Check for index existence ?

infos about enhanced classes ) when i replace query by "*" xirt Sylvain Maybe ObjectDB doesn't use

Java 6/7 Performance Comparison

with a profiler (e.g. Java VisualVM) and provide profiling info ? support Support Attached is the CPU and Memory

Compress ODB file with XML content

ODB size up to 50 times. Additional info : Harman Alexander Golyshkin

NullPointerException while setting a new property value

info private String id; private boolean updatesEnabled; private boolean enabled; private int

ObjectDB Enincompatible with Quarkus?

.Version INFO : JBoss Threads version 3.2.0.Final java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError java.lang

Maven driven compile time ehnancement

' you should see something like the following (after the compile has completed): [ INFO ] --- exec-maven

ObjectDB 2.x is working without any activation code

which activation key belongs to which machine is to run the Activator again. However, why do you need that info

Items in list are doubled, when the entity class is not enhanced

and this will be further explored (in addition to the difference between using enhancement or not and the new info in your #2

Lazy loading does not work - crud takes long

.class.getName()).log(Level. INFO , "initialize projects takes {0} s", (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0

Failed to generate dynamic type

- the stack traces might be similar but not identical and that additional info could help. support Support

Storing Images

. video files). support Support Thanks for the info . My images are small so I will be using byte

Eager Fetch is not stable for collection or map types?

Support Thanks a lot for your response. We had checked our application, and the additional info

Attempt to store an instance of a non persistable type

static final long serialVersionUID = 7417072929572142416L; public enum Level { TRACE, DEBUG, INFO

Log4j error

:// for more info .      [java] [ObjectDB

Eclipse plugin problem (using ObjectDB as a separate bundle)

. Before attempting to run, download  and update using eclipse using the info on the attached

Server NPE

) at Please let me know if you need any further info

ObjectDB enhancement fails on "is" form for @Transient boolean isLoaded(), ok for "getter" form @Transient boolean getLoaded()

entity): INFO : [2014-11-23 16:54:03 #2 type] Type com.example.entity.Element is not enhanced

NPE at com.objectdb.jpa.JpaQuery.getResultList

am closing this issue - reopen it if you have more info . support Support

Inverse OneToMany Mapping and EmbeddedId

.logging - Logging Provider: org.jboss.logging.Log4j2LoggerProvider 13:32:52.558 [main] INFO org

Improve ObjectDB Server

) - Keep it as a console-only app - Put important log info to the console as well - Provide possibility

Internal Exception during query execution

Just got this without any more info : SCHWERWIEGEND: Terminal error: [ObjectDB 2.3.6_08] Unexpected exception (Error 990)   Generated by Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.6.0_26 (on Mac OS X 10.6.8). Please report this error on com.objectdb.o

message: RetrievalTask in log

info . It is possible that the same exception is related to the performance issues and to the writing

Blocked by find

will be detected as soon as it is created and related info will be logged. support Support See attached

ObjectDB 2.4.7

Fixed bugs in cascading merge and refresh. Fixed an internal  java.lang.ArrayStoreException bug (com.objectdb.o.InvToOneLoadRequest). Fixed a regression bug (starting 2.4.4_13) in handling embeddable types. Fixed a performance regression (since 2.4.4_01) in query result retrieval. Added INFO

Server out of memory exceptions

is 2g so I have no way of getting it to you. Some of the info (from Eclipse Memory Analyser

Internal exception when quering

advice? If more info is needed, we can provide it. Thank you. Marta       Maruta M

JPA Composite Key make Object Db throws "Unexpected exception (Error 990)"

? ##### Additionals infos , here is the stack trace : [ObjectDB 2.4.0] Unexpected exception (Error 990) Generated

Error on commit

I get the following on commit:  (v2.3.7_15) Let me know if you need more info . Caused by: com.objectdb.o.InternalException at com.objectdb.o.InternalException.f( [:] at [:] at [:] at com

No Entity Class API

for the info . That's nice, but a huge pain in the same time. We need something portable, flexible and easy

JPQL Case Statements (JPA 2.0)

to the project or owner of an element, and class info . Experience shows this projection query approach