ObjectDB ObjectDB

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TYPE Expression

Hi there! Trying to add a simple type expression with the criteria api like in your sample: cb.equal(e.type(), cb.literal(Country.class)); results in the error: Caused by: com.objectdb.o ... (JpaQuery.java:702) when trying to get a result list. leaving it out removes the error, other filters like

500Mb ObjectDb database opening issue

(ALL PCs were new without any extra S/W like ObjectDb) and results the same. Statement that ALL WORKS

Is there an update on running ObjectDB purely in-memory?

Hi, I know that this has been asked, but the last time seems to be two years ago, so I'd like to know whether there is a change or an outlook regarding the topic: Is it possible, or planned, to run ... -memory mode, as supported by SQL databases like H2 or SQLite. Thanks, David dbb David Blumenthal-Barby

Updating existing persistence entries

actions). When I try to persist an object later on, I get an error like com.objectdb.o.UserException ... object which may have changed for one or more fields to a call like "session.update(objectInstance)". I

Entity Update - Is the documentation up to date?

will also be applied to database on transaction commit. support Support I'd like to understand ... inside the setter, like this: public void setFoo(int foo) { if(this.foo != foo) this.foo = foo

alter table

if there was an elegant way like "alter table ...". gzdillon Lai Yang >> Add the index definition ... . Now, I restore the Meta to independent. But I get error like: Exception in thread "main

Some technical questions

something like MVCC, so it can see the data at the time the backup was started (to have consistent backup ... something like MVCC, so it can see the data at the time the backup was started (to have consistent

Search with wildcards and index issue

Hi, I have a search using wildcards: SELECT $1 FROM CDI $1 WHERE $1.loginId LIKE '%*_last%2' ESCAPE '*' This works perfectly when loginId has NO annotations. Now if I add to loginId the following ... demonstrates that ESCAPE in LIKE was ignored when using an index. Build 2.3.7_11 fixes this bug. Thank you for your report. support Support

Alias not used in ORDER BY

Hi, I am doing something simple like final Root<T> from = criteria.from(T.class) final Path<?> path = from.get("someStringProperty") final Expression<String> upperPath = builder.upper((Expression ... , something like SELECT $1, UPPER($1.someStringProperty) AS TEST FROM T ORDER BY TEST However what I actually

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with enhanced Entity

Hi! We have an two entities, the first one is something like: @Embeddable class TestEmbed {...} and the second one: @Entity class TestEntity { private TestEmbed myEmbed = null; public TestEmbed ... etc etc.). However It seems to happen only with an embeddable entity embedded within another embeddable entity like

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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