ObjectDB ObjectDB

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run several embedded systems on one server, problem with double used port

we want to run several embedded systems on one server. In principle this is working but there are endless logs generated reporting about a double used port. Ist there a possibility to configure ... off the embedded server, but still have logs (several per second) created with this contents: [2020

WebService : Failed to get reference value of field using enhanced method

log file). support Support I added objectdb.jar to Tomcat-Dir/lib directory. (I use axis2 Web ... ) - you become this error. With logging I know, that error take place on this line: em.getTransaction

How to deploy an Objectdb project with Jboss AS 7?

version 3.2.3.GA 04:56:02,075 INFO [org.jboss.as.logging] JBAS011502: Removing bootstrap log

ObjectDB 2.8.0

(see issue #2379). Added logging when the number of allowed entity classes is exceeded (feature request #2412). Added logging to diagnose unexpected duplicate index entry (issue #2403). Fixed a bad

NullpointerException at a normal select

(you can also see the log message containing the String parameter at the top): 09:08:49.496 [http-bio- ... you can see from the log/stacktrace, the query parameter is 'default'). This have been working for quite some

Exception makes the system unusable for several minutes

that refreshing them causes the exception? support Support from messages like these in the log: [2020-07 ... hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker a more complete section of the log: [2020-07-13 17:10:29 #7 store

ObjectDB 2.0.0

Improved processing of some sorts of queries. Added support for using ObjectDB with JPA 1 jar in the classpath. Changed server start avoiding new process creation. Added logging for class loading ... a bug in the new log based (recording) recovery from failure mechanism. Fixed a bug in finding

Negative snapshot user count

the application against the same database. I've attached the full log in case it helps (sorry I should have attached it from the start). The following is an extract from a production log which is also showing

Corrupt database page

the database file, is it possible that the db log file remains in the file system after closing the database and the db doctor is able to repair the corrupted page by the db log so that the repaired database

ObjectDB 2.5.0

expression. Added the ability to disable hollow objects. Added TRACE level logging of query execution ... and closing. Improved connecting and disconnecting performance when logging is disabled. Improved closing

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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