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51-100 of 183 resultsCriteriaBuilder.isNotMember(elem,collection) - JPA Method whether an element is not a member of a collection. If the collection is empty, the predicate will be true. Parameters: elem - element collection - expression Return: is-not- member predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |
CriteriaBuilder.isNotMember(elem,collection) - JPA Method whether an element is not a member of a collection. If the collection is empty, the predicate will be true. Parameters: elem - element expression collection - expression Return: is-not- member predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |
CriteriaBuilder.isMember(elem,collection) - JPA Method whether an element is a member of a collection. If the collection is empty, the predicate will be false. Parameters: elem - element collection - expression Return: is- member predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |
CriteriaBuilder.isMember(elem,collection) - JPA Method whether an element is a member of a collection. If the collection is empty, the predicate will be false. Parameters: elem - element expression collection - expression Return: is- member predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | | - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.Expression Predicate in ( Collection values ) Create a predicate to test whether the expression is a member of the collection. Parameters: values - collection of values to be tested against Return: predicate testing for membership Since: JPA 2.0 | |
javax.jdo.FetchGroup.DEFAULT. This category includes members defined in the default fetch group in xml or annotations. Redefining the default fetch group via the API does not affect the members defined by this category. Using this category also sets the fetch-depth for the members in the default fetch group. Since: JDO 2.2 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.FetchGroup this fetch group. Since: JDO 2.1 Persistent [] members default null Members (fields and properties) of the fetch group. The members should contain only name and recursionDepth. Since: JDO 2.1 String name | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Embedded [] members default {} Members for this embedding. Since: JDO 2.1 String nullIndicatorColumn default ... . Since: JDO 2.1 String ownerMember default "" The member in the embedded object that links | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Unique. Since: JDO 2.1 String[] members default {} Member (field and property) names that compose this unique | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.primaryKey JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent String primaryKey default "" Whether this member is part of the primary key for application identity. This is equivalent to specifying @PrimaryKey as a separate annotation on the member . Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.PrimaryKey JDO Annotation PrimaryKey Target: ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD Implemented Interfaces: Annotation Annotation on a member to define it as a primary key member of a class or persistent interface using application identity. Also used to define the primary key columns | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.columns JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent Column [] columns default {} Column definition(s) for this member . Used for mapping multiple columns to the same member , for example relationships with multiple column foreign keys. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.NotPersistent JDO Annotation NotPersistent Target: ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD Implemented Interfaces: Annotation Annotation to specify that the member is not persistent. If used, this is the only JDO annotation allowed on a member . This corresponds to the xml attribute persistence-modifier | |
javax.jdo.FetchGroup.ALL JDO Static Field in javax.jdo.FetchGroup ALL For use with addCategory and removeCategory calls. This category includes all members in the persistent type. Using this category also sets the fetch-depth for the members in the default fetch group. Since: JDO 2.2 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Index [] columns default {} Columns that compose this index. Since: JDO 2.1 String[] members default {} Member (field and property) names that compose this index. Since: JDO 2.1 String name default "" Name | |
javax.jdo.annotations.ForeignKey ForeignKeyAction.RESTRICT The delete action of this foreign key. Since: JDO 2.1 String[] members default {} Member (field and property) names that compose this foreign key. Since: JDO 2.1 String name | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Element of the member in the target class that forms a bidirectional relationship with this member . Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Element.mappedBy JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Element String mappedBy default "" Name of the member in the target class that forms a bidirectional relationship with this member . Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Value) should be indexed. Since: JDO 2.1 String mappedBy default "" Name of a member in the key class | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Transactional JDO Annotation Transactional Target: ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD Implemented Interfaces: Annotation Annotation to indicate that a member (field or property) is transactional but not persistent. This corresponds to xml attribute persistence-modifier="transactional" of "field | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.dependentValue JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent String dependentValue default "" Whether the values of this member are dependent. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.dependent JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent String dependent default "" Whether related object(s) of this member are dependent and so deleted when this object is deleted. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.serializedValue JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent String serializedValue default "" Whether the values of this member are serialized. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.dependentKey JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent String dependentKey default "" Whether the keys of this member are dependent. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.dependentElement JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent String dependentElement default "" Whether the elements of this member are dependent. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.serialized JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent String serialized default "" Whether this member is serialized into a single column. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.embeddedValue JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent String embeddedValue default "" Whether the values of this member are embedded. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.serializedKey JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent String serializedKey default "" Whether the keys of this member are serialized. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.serializedElement JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent String serializedElement default "" Whether the elements of this member are serialized. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.embedded JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent String embedded default "" Whether this member is embedded. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.nullValue JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent NullValue nullValue default NullValue.NONE Behavior when this member contains a null value. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.embeddedKey JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent String embeddedKey default "" Whether the keys of this member are embedded. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.embeddedElement JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent String embeddedElement default "" Whether the elements of this member are embedded. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.recursionDepth JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent int recursionDepth default 1 Recursion depth for this member . Used only when the annotation is used within the definition of a FetchGroup. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.extensions JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent Extension [] extensions default {} Vendor extensions for this member . Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.column JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent String column default "" Column name where the values are stored for this member . Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.nullIndicatorColumn JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent String nullIndicatorColumn default "" Null indicator column for this member . Used for nested embedded fields or properties to indicate whether the embedded instance should have a null value. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.loadFetchGroup JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent String loadFetchGroup default "" Name of the fetch-group to use when this member is loaded due to being referenced when not already loaded. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.mappedBy JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent String mappedBy default "" Name of the related member in the other class where this value is mapped (bidirectional relationship). Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Order.mappedBy JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Order String mappedBy default "" Name of a field or property in the target class that acts as the ordering field or property for this member . Return the name of the field or property in the target class Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Order.column JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Order String column default "" The name of the column to use for ordering the elements of the member . Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory does not already exist, create it with no members . The FetchGroup does not become in scope | |
PersistenceManager.getFetchGroup(cls,name) - JDO Method PersistenceManagerFactory , create it with no members . The FetchGroup immediately becomes active and in | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.defaultFetchGroup JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent String defaultFetchGroup default "" Whether this member is in the default fetch group. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.table JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent String table default "" Table to use for persisting this member . Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Key. Since: JDO 2.1 String mappedBy default "" Name of a member in the value class where this key is stored | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Key.mappedBy JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Key String mappedBy default "" Name of a member in the value class where this key is stored. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Value.mappedBy JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Value String mappedBy default "" Name of a member in the key class where this value is stored. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Column.targetMember JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Column String targetMember default "" Target member in the other class or interface for this column when part of a bidirectional relation. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Column "" Target member in the other class or interface for this column when part of a bidirectional relation. Since: JDO 2.1 |