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Possible issue with timestamps

");         EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();              Calendar cal1 = new GregorianCalendar(2012, Calendar.MARCH, 29, 0, 5); //fives after midnight         Calendar cal2 = new GregorianCalendar(2012, Calendar.MARCH, 29, 0, 10); //ten after midnight         Calendar cal3 = new GregorianCalendar(2012


. Since: JPA 1.0 PersistenceException() Constructs a new PersistenceException exception with null as its detail message. Constructs a new PersistenceException exception with null as its detail message. Since: JPA 1.0 PersistenceException(String message) Constructs a new PersistenceException exception


to catch. Since: Java JDK1.0 See Also: java.lang.Error Exception() Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message. Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message. The cause is not ... Exception(String message) Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message. Constructs a new


). Parameters: name - the name of a query defined in metadata Returns: the new query instance Throws ... resultClass - the type of the query result Returns: the new query instance Throws: IllegalArgumentException ... ., for update or delete. Parameters: sqlString - a native SQL query string Returns: the new query instance


but is not active. Since: JPA 1.0 TransactionRequiredException() Constructs a new TransactionRequiredException exception with null as its detail message. Constructs a new TransactionRequiredException ... message) Constructs a new TransactionRequiredException exception with the specified detail message


() Constructs a new NonUniqueResultException exception with null as its detail message. Constructs a new ... NonUniqueResultException(String message) Constructs a new NonUniqueResultException exception with the specified detail message. Constructs a new NonUniqueResultException exception with the specified detail message


.getSingleResult() TypedQuery.getSingleResult() NoResultException() Constructs a new NoResultException exception with null as its detail message. Constructs a new NoResultException exception with null as its detail message. Since: JPA 1.0 NoResultException(String message) Constructs a new NoResultException


) EntityNotFoundException() Constructs a new EntityNotFoundException exception with null as its detail message. Constructs a new EntityNotFoundException exception with null as its detail message. Since: JPA 1.0 EntityNotFoundException(String message) Constructs a new EntityNotFoundException exception


createEntityManager() Create a new application-managed EntityManager. Create a new application-managed EntityManager. This method returns a new EntityManager instance each time it is invoked. The isOpen ... createEntityManager(Map map) Create a new application-managed EntityManager with the specified Map


-only". Since: JDO 2.2 JDOReadOnlyException() Constructs a new JDOReadOnlyException without a detail message. Constructs a new JDOReadOnlyException without a detail message. Since: JDO 2.2 JDOReadOnlyException(String msg) Constructs a new JDOReadOnlyException with the specified detail message

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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