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New Tutorial: Using BIRT with ObjectDB/JPA

Version 2.2.7 of ObjectDB added support of report generation using the popular open source Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT). The new Report Generation with BIRT and JPA tutorial provides step by step instructions on how to use BIRT to produce reports based on data in an ObjectDB database. support Support

Adding new unique columns

What is the best practice for when you need to add a new unique column to an existing database? Simply adding the column with the @Unique annotation will result in "Attempt to reuse an existing value (null)", so the only option I can surmise is to add the column, update all existing entries

How to start a objectdb server with new Daemon (without blocking the thread)??

How to start a objectdb server with new Daemon (without blocking the thread)??

"Unsupported auto value type java.lang.String" when persisting new instance

"Unsupported auto value type java.lang.String" when persisting new instance

500 Internal Server Error on creating a new issue

Hi, we tried (several times) to create a new issue but we receive a message: hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker Thank you for this report. The error seems to be related to uploading a file (according to the website log), but unfortunately we couldn't repeat the error. Please report again if it reoccurs

UPDATE query cannot set a new field after schema change

I've added a new property/field to one of my objects and want to set the value of this (boolean) property to false for all existing entities in the DB. I tried to execute an update statement with the Explorer tool. The statement ends and tells me that 1000 entities have been updated. I then save

Generating new activation code gives 500 server error

Trying to generate a new activation code using our site license key gives a 500 error every time. Code generated using version 2.7.4_04 and openjdk 1.8.0_171. spiffy Jonathan Harley There was a problem, thank you for this report. Please try again now. support Support

Generating new activation code gives 500 server error

Generating new activation code gives 500 server error

Schema Update

- will create new, separate persistable classes with no instances. Therefore, you should backup ... abilities: <schema> <package name="com.example.old1" new-name="com.example.new1" /> <package name="com.example.old2" new-name="com.example.new2"> <class name="A" new-name="NewA

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

to browse databases, execute JDOQL queries, create new databases and edit the content of existing ... . the object is identified as a descendant of itself in the tree). To open a new viewer window, first ... of that object. Select an object in a currently open table or browser viewer to explore it in a new

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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