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ClassCastException of same object type

objects and retrieving objects ok in the main project. However, when I make a plugin for the project, the new objects are persisted but not retrieved. I get the following error: java ... then get the exception.  The retrieved object seems to exist only as an ICoreObject, not as

Level 2 cache not hit in @ManyToOne

round trips. Therefore, retrieval by find always uses the L2 cache ... transparent retrieval of referenced objects, always uses the L2 cache. Queries work differently ... all the results are cached, retrieving them later may require additional round trips.

Memory Leak?

million objects into it and then retrieve each of the object one by one. The object is key by Long. Here is the code that retrieves the data. I'm pretty sure I'm not holding objects that I'm using directly ... %10000==0) {     logger("Retrieved " + j + " objects. Last object: " + d);  

Fetching Collections Puzzle

explicitly the fetch strategy for "children" as FetchType.Eager, then how can I retrieve the Nodes ... , the children field of all my retrieved nodes are of size zero When I declare the FetchType as Eager, then isn't the database actually retrieving the whole graph stored in the database

Using the wrong class to access a database

.createEntityManager(); create(em); retrieve(em); deleteAndUpdate(em); // close ... Point(i, i); em.persist(p); } em.getTransaction().commit(); } static void retrieve ... here. This program is almost the same as the first; it only calls the retrieve method, no data is added

Method Invocation On All Entities

;before the deletion. One way to achive this could be retrieving one object at a time and invoke the method (using "retrieval by navigation and access"), but I suspect it's not an efficient ... >You have to retrieve the entity objects and then run the method on each object. > 

Create simple index for a Id field

and then retrieve the object, but still too slow in my opinion. Notice I have a db with at least 1M objects, the only way I want to retrieve objects is by the key (or ID). Maybe ObjectDB is not ... than other DBMS, not just in writing but also in retrieval and reading operations (see

Query problem after transaction commit

retrieve the old records but only the latest stored record. I tried to run database explorer ... the database explorer on the server, my client program can retrieve all the records (no program ... . Please help. ken.odb Ken If you could retrieve old objects but not the recently stored objects

Best practise loading big data

> The values are not referenced by our implementation after retrieving them. All MyStepBlocks ... because the garbage collection never releases them or not run at all. This seems to be uncommon for retrieval ... ;Can you check if GC is run during the retrieval? If you add an explicit invocation of GC in the retrieval

Removing of an entity removes also another entity type

again. The ResolverMapping entities are retrieved from database by a query with a result ... after remove we try to retrieve again the ResolverMapping entities from database and we get an empty ... query may be slightly more efficient than retrieving entity objects and then updating