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Rollback after commit fail

object1 em.getTransaction().commit(); } catch(...){ em.getTransaction().rollback ... persist object1 em.getTransaction().commit(); } catch(...){ em.getTransaction().rollback ... will fail (primary key reuse exception), the exception is caught, but rollback fails

Failed to commit transaction: Attempt to commit a rollback only transaction

="stacktrace"> Failed to commit transaction: Attempt to commit a rollback only transaction (error 613 ... transaction as rollback only. In that case - you can only close the transaction with rollback not with commit. Maybe

Rollback of several closed transactions

>But then we need actually a rollback for several transactions. Is there any possibility in the ObjectDB to rollback several closed transactions? btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems

Felix, rollback exception, error 613

Felix, rollback exception, error 613


Method javax.persistence.EntityTransactionvoid rollback()

Database Connection using JPA

">getTransaction().rollback">rollback(); } commit or rollback">rollbackrollback

Detached Entity Objects

/jpa/EntityTransaction/rollback">rollback or by a


Method javax.jdo.Transactionvoid rollback() Roll

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

.currentTransaction().rollback(); if (!pm.isClosed()) pm.close(); } The rollback(); if (!pm ... a call to begin() and ended by a call to commit() or rollback()

[ODB1] Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour

if (pm.currentTransaction().isActive()) 52 pm.currentTransaction().rollback ... the transaction with rollback() discards all the changes done during its activity (line 52