ObjectDB ObjectDB

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the ObjectIdFieldConsumer to store the values for the key fields. Parameters: fm - the field manager ... data store identity. If the JDO identity is managed by the application, then the ObjectId may be used ... . If the JDO identity is not managed by the application or the data store, then the ObjectId returned


the entire collection of instances in the data store of the candidate class or interface possibly ... all instances of a particular class or interface to execute a Query in the data store over all instances ... contains all instances of a particular class or interface in the data store; this method returns


is persistent. Instances whose state is stored in the data store return true. Transient instances return ... call; newly made persistent or deleted persistent instances; persistent instances read in data store ... PersistenceCapable instance Returns: the value of jdoFlags to be stored in the PersistenceCapable


Method javax.jdo.listener.StoreCallback void jdoPreStore() Called before the values are stored from this instance to the data store. Data store fields that might have been affected by modified non ... so that changes to persistent fields will be reflected in the data store. The context in


implementation to locate a persistent instance with the same data store identity. If the JDO identity ... the application or the data store, then the ObjectId returned is only valid within the current ... that represent persistent objects in the data store return Boolean.TRUE. Instances known by


: JDBC type for this column Default value: "" Since: JDO 2.1 int length Maximum length of data stored in this column. Maximum length of data stored in this column. Returns: the maximum length of data stored in this column Default value: -1 Since: JDO 2.1 String name Name of the column. Name


from the data store. In an optimistic transaction, the state of instances in the cache might not match the state in the data store. This method is used to reload the state of the instance from the data store so that a subsequent commit is more likely to succeed. Outside a transaction, this method


to obtain persistent instances, values, and aggregate data from the data store. The PersistenceManager ... is done at the data store. Parameters: fromInclToExcl - comma-separated fromIncl and toExcl values ... should execute the query such that the range algorithm is done at the data store. Parameters: fromIncl - 0


String column Column name where the values are stored for this member. Column name where the values are stored for this member. Returns: the name of the column Default value: "" Since: JDO 2.1 Column ... when the declared member type is a supertype of the actual type that is stored in the member. For example


Method javax.jdo.listener.StoreLifecycleListener void postStore( InstanceLifecycleEvent event ) Invoked whenever a persistent instance is stored, for example during javax.jdo.PersistenceManager.flush or javax.jdo.Transaction.commit. It is called after the field values have been stored. Parameters: event - the store event. Since: JDO 2.0

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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