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Pessimistic Lock Timeouts setting

use an optimistic lock and fail on stale updates. Willks William Support of  ... > Exception is: Failed to update object com.x.y.z ... > support Support My apologies, I haven't updated this thread. I have not got the issue

Entity listener - event instead of object

with difference between values in updated entity. There is a problem however with accessing "old ... : {}, actor: {}, date: {}", new Object[] { OPERATION_TYPE_UPDATE, entityName, entityId, propertyName ... () : null, OPERATION_TYPE_UPDATE, actorId, transTime));        

Optimization Question

so it's extremely difficult to identify exactly what fields have changed from one update to the next. Currently the following sequence executes when a track update comes in: - If it’s a new track simply add it to the database. - If it's an update to an existing track, delete the entire

Memory leak in com.objectdb.o.CST

graph is usually fairly flat before this update.  Perhaps there is some performance tradoff with this update to save memory usage? In the attached screenshot the dark blue is my java ... this update) and see if there's a performance difference. Trianglehead Json Error Just


> Pessimistic write lock, with version update. Since: JPA 2.0


> Optimistic lock, with version update. Since: JPA 2.0


> for executing a native SQL statement, e.g., for update or delete.


that might have been affected by modified non-persistent fields should be updated in this method. This method


fields should be updated in this method. This method is modified by the enhancer


-key delete/update action values. Since: