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ODB IndexActivation NullPointerException

version 2.6.6, and apparently the last related code change was in build 2.6.7_07. It is unclear ... -IndexActivation" (it was "ODB IndexActivation" until version 2.6.9_07). You may be able to locate the thread in ... the issue, which may take some time. support Support Hi We had the same issue using the version 2.6.1

Possible cause for "Enhancement of type ... is old and cannot be used"

the enhancement script runs the same objectdb.jar library version that the program runs with. I ... versions between objectdb-2.6.3_04 and objectdb-2.6.6_07 (bracketing to find which one broke it). But I know that I can't run any of my objectdb-based programs using a version later than objectdb-2.6

Failed to read DB file while online backup is running

to finish its task. The version of ObjectDB I am running is 2.6.1.b02 Any idea what is causing ... thx, I will be observing it with the new version. jakab Gergely Jakab Unfortunately the "Failed ... order to explore this issue, including range of affected ObjectDB versions. support Support I finally

Recommendation - concurrent access multiple class v

that it might get corrupted because the manual says that we must not access ObjectDB with different versions ... , where the previous version of a class is used by some servers, then others come with the new version, then finally all of them get the new version? So...basically...concurrent access with version x and version x+1

boolean field flips after schema update (in class) of another field

, but now in field. Object DB version was upgraded maybe two times in the last months in the field ... changed until the object is stored again after such a query. The best move could be to try version 2.8.4 ... versions of a class, as sometimes users start deployment with a database that was previously used in

Unexpected exception when execute query without enhanced entities

is expected. We will investigate it. Thank you for this report. support Support Version 2.8.8_03 ... above is fixed, you may try now also #1 and report whether it is also solved. support Support With version 2.8 ... The exception in #6 is similar to #1, so apparently version 2.8.8_03 solves #3 but not #1 / #6. Following

Unexpected exception (Error 990) on find

if this problem exists in previous versions (2.4.7, 2.4.6). If it is a new problem, we may be able ... is in version 2.4.7. I will try with an older Version on Monday. Stefan Stefan Mair The 256 observation ... Stefan Mair Hi, the ObjectDB Doctor says: ObjectDB Doctor [version 2.4.7_16] Copyright (c) 2013


Method javax.jdo.identity.ByteIdentity String toString() Return the String version of the key. Returns: the key. Since: JDO 1.0

addSubquery(sub, variableDeclaration, candidateCollectionExpression, parameter)

Method javax.jdo.Query void addSubquery( Query sub, String variableDeclaration, String candidateCollectionExpression, String parameter ) Add a subquery to this query. The String version of the method binds the named expression to the parameter implictly or explicitly declared in the subquery

addSubquery(sub, variableDeclaration, candidateCollectionExpression, parameters)

Method javax.jdo.Query void addSubquery( Query sub, String variableDeclaration, String candidateCollectionExpression, Map parameters ) Add a subquery to this query. The Map version of the method treats the key of each map entry as the name of the parameter in the subquery, with or

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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