javax.jdo.annotations.Order - JDO annotation

Annotation Order

Fields (including property get methods)
Annotation for the ordering component of an ordered container member, such as Java Collections Framework Array and List types and Java native array types. Corresponds to the xml element "order".
JDO 2.1
String column
The name of the column to use for ordering the elements of the member.
The name of the column to use for ordering the elements of the member.
the name of the ordering column
Default value:
JDO 2.1
The definition of the column(s) to use for ordering.
The definition of the column(s) to use for ordering.
the columns to use for ordering
Default value:
JDO 2.1
String mappedBy
Name of a field or property in the target class that acts as the ordering field or property for this member.
Name of a field or property in the target class that acts as the ordering field or property for this member. Return the name of the field or property in the target class
Default value:
JDO 2.1