ObjectDB 2.2.7
Released on 2011-06-14 (see other available releases).
Use of ObjectDB is subject to the ObjectDB Licence.
Changes in ObjectDB 2.2.7
- Added support of report generation using BIRT.
- Fixed a bug in query optimization of DISTINCT.
- Fixed a bug in keeping removed entity object in the L2 cache.
- Fixed orphan removal of owner entity object in bidirectional relationship.
- Fixed an "Attempt to persist a reference to a non managed instance" bug.
- Fixed internal NullPointerException (issue #331)
- Fixed internalArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
- Fixed a conflict with IBM J9 JVM by disabling unsafe optimization.
- Fixed a bug in applying nested eager fetch when enhancement is disabled.
- Fixed the "Annotated methods must follow the JavaBeans naming convention" exception (issue #325).
See the full change log.
ObjectDB with Maven
To use ObjectDB in a Java Maven project add the ObjectDB repositpory and dependency to the pom.xml file.
Use Java 8 or above with the javax variant and Java 17 or above with the jakarta variant.
<repositories> ... <repository> <id>objectdb</id> <name>ObjectDB Repository</name> <url>https://m2.objectdb.com</url> </repository> ... </repositories> ... <dependencies> ... <dependency> <groupId>com.objectdb</groupId> <artifactId>objectdb</artifactId> <version>2.2.7</version> </dependency> ... </dependencies>
Maven files:
ObjectDB Development Kit
The ObjectDB Development Kit includes:
- The ObjectDB runtime JAR (available also on Maven).
- The GUI ObjectDB Explorer.
- Sample ObjectDB databases that you can open in the Explorer.
- Command line tools for running the ObjectDB Server and the ObjectDB Enhancer.
- A sample objectdb.conf configuration file.
- Source code of the Java / Jakarta Persistence API (JPA).
- JavaDoc of the Java / Jakarta Persistence API (JPA).
- The complete ObjectDB Manual in PDF format.