ObjectDB 2.7.0
Released on 2017-03-09 (see other available releases).
Note: A newer version is available.
Use of ObjectDB is subject to the ObjectDB Licence agreement.
Changes in ObjectDB 2.7.0:
- Extended maximum supported entity object size to nearly 2GB.
- Added a temporary system property to disable "enhancement ... is old" checks.
- Fixed a bug in handling remove and persist of the same object in one transaction (issue #2027).
- Fixed objectdb.jar to include META-INF/MANIFEST.MF as the first entry (required by Apache Karaf).
- Fixed a cache bug in repeating some sorts of LIKE queries with different parameters.
- Fixed a NullPointerException bug in automatic building of new indexes.
- Fixed a NullPointerException in running the Doctor when new indexes have to be built (issue #1959).
- Fixed a schema evolution bug in handling hierarchy change.
- Fixed setting JDO's "javax.jdo.option.IgnoreCache".
- Fixed JDO exception on invoking currentTransaction on a closed PersistenceManager.
- Fixed an "Enhancement ... is old" bug on overriding persistent properties with a different return type.
- Fixed a bug in using java.lang.Enum as a field/property type (and not a specific enum type).
- Fixed a critical "Enhancement ... is old" bug when using property access mode (making enhancement unusable).
- Fixed an "Attempt to modify a primary key" bug when using property access mode.
- Fixed a bug in allowing page sizes larger than 64KB (which are not supported by ObjectDB).
- Fixed an issue of very slow online backup.
See the full change log.
ObjectDB with Maven
To use ObjectDB in your Java Maven project merge the following repositpory and dependency into your pom.xml file:
<repositories> ... <repository> <id>objectdb</id> <name>ObjectDB Repository</name> <url>https://m2.objectdb.com</url> </repository> ... </repositories> ... <dependencies> ... <dependency> <groupId>com.objectdb</groupId> <artifactId>objectdb</artifactId> <version>2.7.0</version> </dependency> ... </dependencies>
ObjectDB 2.7.0 Maven files:
objectdb-2.7.0.jar | objectdb-2.7.0.jar.md5 | objectdb-2.7.0.jar.sha1 |
objectdb-2.7.0.pom | objectdb-2.7.0.pom.md5 | objectdb-2.7.0.pom.sha1 |
ObjectDB Development Kit
The ObjectDB Development Kit includes:
- The ObjectDB runtime JAR (available also on Maven).
- The GUI ObjectDB Explorer.
- Sample ObjectDB databases that you can open in the Explorer.
- Command line tools for running the ObjectDB Server and the ObjectDB Enhancer.
- Tutorial projects in Maven format for opening and running in your favourite IDE.
- A sample objectdb.conf configuration file.
- Source code of the JPA and JDO APIs.
- JavaDoc of the JPA and JDO APIs.
- The complete ObjectDB Manual in PDF format.