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Items in list are doubled, when the entity class is not enhanced

Dear all, I have a problem with adding items (entities) into other entity list. When the classes are not enhanced, added items are doubled. Here is an example: @Entity public class Customer ... and setters } @Entity public class Item implements Serializable { private static

IDs of Entities suddenly became UUIDs?

, others a String UUID. Our Base-Entity everything inherits from is declared as usual with Long ... !?? How could that have happened and what are we supposed to do now to fix this as when quering those entities ... in the same entity type!?? Alex quasado Alexander Adam As discussed on this issue, ObjectDB doesn't

Does ObjectDB create one instance of each entity class on (web app) load ?

web app with the NetBeans 8.2 Profiler. I can see that exactly one instance of each entity ... also checked am not loading any entities using JPA callbacks.) If I take a heap dump and inspect ... create an instance of each entity (and if so, under what circumstances) ? I

Accessiblity of attributes in entities in several OSGi-Bundles

Hello, we have a problem with enhanced entities. It is very important to solve this issue. There are three entities in two OSGi-Bundles and we execute importRequirements() in RequirementServiceImpl: __________________________________________________________ Bundle A: @Entity class

Bulk update of embedded entities in linked list

Hi, I'm trying to do a bulk update of a column in an embedded entity, but I end up with a query execution error because of the "." between the column name of the parent entity and column name of the child entity. The column in the parent entity represents a linked list of an embeddable class

Insert a new entity class in a class hierarchy does not work

Hello, we have an entity class hierarchy and we want to insert a new entity in this hierarchy ... , because the class hierarchy had already always existed and the "new" entity class needed still only the @Entity annotation, all remaining fields got null as a value. Only if the new entity

Query in nested transaction returns detached entity if lazy-loaded

!= null); The entity is detached and data is not loaded lazily from the database. We've also found ... then we get another issues in our test suites. We worked on enhanced classes. We activated the entity listeners for pre persisted and post persisted in order to check the entity version number. For example a new entity

Eager Fetch of Map with Entities as Keys

Loading eagerly a map that uses entity objects as keys is currently unsupported, if the equals and hashCode methods of the keys are based on the key entity persistent content, since that content ... .createEntityManager();         em.getTransaction().begin();         MyEntity entity = new MyEntity

Unexpected exception when execute query without enhanced entities

ObjectDB 2.8.7.b08 Our entities are not enhanced and we execute a query "select max(uid) from ModelElementImpl". In the objectdb.conf the reflection is set to error. <entities ... .java:760) I would expect an exception with a message like "the entities are not enhanced

Remove an entity which attributes were changed

We use an OSGi environment and we have three OSGi plugins. In plugin A an entity is loaded and the entity is passed to plugin B. Plugin B changes an attribute on the entity. Plugin C removes the entity from the database. After commit the transaction an exception is caused with optimistic lock

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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