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Annotation IdClass Example: @IdClass(com.acme.EmployeePK.class ... ="name">IdClass/value" title="Annotation Element of javax.persistence.IdClass


Annotation Element IdClass" title="Annotation in javax.persistence">javax.persistence.IdClassClass value

JPA Primary Key

IdClass">@IdClass(ProjectId.class) public class Project ... a special ID class that is attached to the entity class using the IdClass">@IdClass annotation. The ID class reflects the primary key fields and its objects

Posting Sample Code

, The project does not contain a persistence unit, An entity or IdClass class should implement the interface).

JPA Annotations for Classes

>IdClass"> ID


JPA 2 JavaDoc Reference Documentation - Instances of the type EntityType represent entity types.


has a single id attribute. Returns true for a simple id or embedded id; returns false for an idclass


JPA 2 JavaDoc Reference Documentation - Instances of the type MappedSuperclassType represent mapped superclass types.

and is mapped as IdClass, an instance of the primary key class is used as the key.


. If the primary key is a composite primary key and is mapped as IdClass, an instance