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Error using query with MAX() function

(value = TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) private Date changeDate; public int getId() { return id ... Date getChangeDate() { return changeDate; } public void setChangeDate(Date changeDate ... "); } String sbs = sb.toString(); v.setRemark(sbs); v.setChangeDate(new Date

Replication error on slave restart

to delete old recording files unless they are needed for slave servers that are currently offline ... PRESENT - AND UP TO DATE] 3) I copied sm.db file to my PC and opened it with explorer [EMPTY ... [DATA PRESENT - BUT NOT UP TO DATE (more simular with slave)] So my answer

java 8 LocalDateTime is not working in query

(     "SELECT t FROM Test t WHERE BETWEEN :startDate AND :endDate ORDER BY"); query.setParameter("startDate",; query.setParameter ... Joe Khan New Java 8 date/time types are not supported by JPA yet. support Support

JPA 2.2 LocalDate still not working

>Anyway, there were some technical challenges with supporting all the Java 8 date and time fields. They are currently supported only if you enable ... . for LocalDate, and not all the Java 8 date and time types) can be added soon.


) @Entity public class Employee { @Id String empName; @Id Date birthDay


"> Create an aggregate expression for finding the greatest of the values (strings, dates, etc).

retrieveAll(pcs, useFetchPlan)

. The fields in the current fetch group must be retrieved, and the implementation might retrieve more fields than the current fetch group. If the useFetchPlan parameter is false, this method behaves ... the current fetch plan are fetched, and other fields might be fetched lazily by the implementation

retrieveAll(pcs, useFetchPlan)

. The fields in the current fetch group must be retrieved, and the implementation might retrieve more fields than the current fetch group. If the useFetchPlan parameter is false, this method ... the current fetch plan are fetched, and other fields might be fetched lazily by the implementation


. Specifies that fields that are not loaded but are in the current fetch plan ... that are loaded but not in the current fetch plan should be unloaded prior to detachment. currently active groups and will not


>BigDecimal; BigInteger; String; and Date.