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Date and Time in JPQL and Criteria Queries

. as results of predefined JPQL current date and time functions. Current Date and Time JPA defines special JPQL ... > CURRENT_DATE - is evaluated to the current date (a java.sql.Date

Internal exception when updating date filed (TemporalType.DATE)

when commiting update Date field (javax.persistence.TemporalType.DATE). Date> dates = new ArrayList<Date>();         calendar.set(1980, 2, 1);  

Number of current connections

Is there any way to find out the number of current connections to the DB server? natmaclin Natalia Levine Currently not. You may subscribe to this feature request and update it according to your needs. support Support

Is there an API to get the current version of ObjectDB that's being used?

Is there an API to get the current version of ObjectDB that's being used? This would be very handy to have, because it is somewhat difficult to know what version of the ObjectDB you are currently using since the objectdb.jar filename remains the same for all versions (which is not

Query filter comparing Dates

Hi, I am using an indexed java.util.Date field in my Entity and I came across some weird behaviour in query filters comparing this Date field. Could You please clarify ... the second pack ? I am comparing 2 dates which should be equal because they are showing exactly same


.persistence">javax.persistence.TemporalTypeDATE Map as java.sql.Date Since: JPA 1.0

JPA Persistable Types

>Simple Java data types: Primitive types, Wrappers, String, Date and Math types. Multi ... .String. java.util.Date, java.util.Calendar, java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, java.sql.Timestamp.


.datastore">javax.jdo.datastore.SequenceObject current() Returns the current sequence value object if it is available. It is intended to return a sequence value object previously used. If the current sequence value is not available


Enum Constant javax.jdo.annotations.VersionStrategyDATE_TIME

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

>, Date, ArrayList, ...). String instances can be compared using all six comparison operators. Date instances ... Date instances, and instances of user defined classes) is to use parameters.