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Date field Index is corrupted due to time change

> support Support Apparently we found the bug, which affects indexes on pure Date fields (i.e. date with no time). ObjectDB converts pure date values between local time and UTC ... that records are being added to the DB at the time of the time change. However, what values in the date

How to add minutes to a Date with JPA2

is greater than the current date. My idea is as follows: and verify that the current date is less than dateCapure+delayMinutes, cb ... the current date and send the result as an argument for direct comparison with the date field?

java.sql.Date equals comparison not working with CriteriaAPI

comparison with java.sql.Date value doesn't match any results in the database. Our code looks like ... = ...; java.sql.Date myDate = ...; Predicate predicate = builder.equal(root.get("eintritt"), builder.literal ... : We can currently not update the ODB version as this is a production system. Note also that doing

Grouping by date()

Hi, For some time now we can use date and time function in queries to extract part of date time (from documentation): YEAR({d '2011-12-31'}) is evaluated to 2011 ... ({t '23:59:00'}) is evaluated to 0. Quite often I have to group by date(). For few queries

Problem with 'where' and date()

Hi, Today I was playing with some date-range queries in explorer ... from TestObject o where > :someDate where is java.util.Date, 'where' doesn't work as it should. Results are not filtered by date. There is no such problem in code

GWT RPC is throwing serialization exception when I have object db date value

.java.util.Date' was not included in the set of types which can be serialized by ... ganesh gothai The class is a subclass of java.util.Date that ObjectDB uses in order to track changes. 

Wrong data stored in date only fileds

> private Date startDateTime; // Time stamp: start of recording in local time zone private Date startDate; // Date: date part of startDateTime private Date startTime; // Time: time part of startDateTime @Basic(optional = false


Question on dates. SQL doesn't seem to store timezone with dates (oddly). So, any best practises with ODB? 1. use java.util.Date ... > dmoshal David Moshal When a Date instance is stored in an ObjectDB

Entity with java.util.Date column gives ClassCastException in BIRT

"> package entity; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence ... .DATE)     private Date birthdate;     /**      ... the birthdate      */     public Date getBirthdate() {  

Group by date / time

grouped by year / mont / day. Each entity has it's own field that holds java.lang.Date ... this: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM stats WHERE YEAR(record_date) = 2009 GROUP BY YEAR(record_date), MONTH(record_date) or maybe something like this: